Pictures Of My New Betta Set-ups


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
What do you think?

Angus's 5 gallon hex. Sand substrate and a couple plants. I was thinking of getting him some friends. Any ideas? There is a snail in there clue how he got in there. Maybe he was hitchiking on a live plant I bought awhile ago.







Cotton Candy's 10 gallon






I also was interested in getting Cotton Candy a few friends. Anyone have any suggestions?
No the 5g hex wouldn't be to small the rule for ADF's is 1 per gallon. So you could get 5 if you want but I heard they get messy. For either your 5g or 10g you could get a couple corys but you will have to see whats your bettas temperment is. Because if your bettas are aggressive he could kill the corys but if they are passive then corys would be fine. Just make sure to watch any new additions you make to the tank because once bettas claim the whole tank theres its almost impossible to get them to share the tank.
No the 5g hex wouldn't be to small the rule for ADF's is 1 per gallon. So you could get 5 if you want but I heard they get messy. For either your 5g or 10g you could get a couple corys but you will have to see whats your bettas temperment is. Because if your bettas are aggressive he could kill the corys but if they are passive then corys would be fine. Just make sure to watch any new additions you make to the tank because once bettas claim the whole tank theres its almost impossible to get them to share the tank.

My bettas both are pretty docile fish. I had Angus with cories before and he would flare at them at first but he got used to them and didn't bother them after he found out they weren't a threat.

I've kept Cotton Candy with white cloud mountain minnos, he chases them around but I never saw him try to nip at them or anything.

I might try two adf's in my 5 gallon hex and maybe a school of wcmm in the 10 gallon. If those don't work out, I can just put them in the 120 gallon.
Are you keeping the 120 then?

I had 2 ADF's in with one of my bettas in a 5G, he ignored them. They are interesting to watch, especially if you get a male and a female. The male's call is very interesting to hear. Kind of like a remote control car.

The WCMM sound ok for the 10G. I don't know much about their requirements other than the cooler temp and they sure swim around a lot. A small schoal of cories would look nice too.
Are you keeping the 120 then?

I had 2 ADF's in with one of my bettas in a 5G, he ignored them. They are interesting to watch, especially if you get a male and a female. The male's call is very interesting to hear. Kind of like a remote control car.

The WCMM sound ok for the 10G. I don't know much about their requirements other than the cooler temp and they sure swim around a lot. A small schoal of cories would look nice too.

I don't think I am going to keep the 120 gallon. But two of my friends said they were interested in the tank. If things go wrong with the wcmms or the adf's I can just get a hold of my friend and ask to put it in the 120...or I could just take them back to the lfs.
Your bettas have some pretty sweet tanks. I especially like the ten gallon, what is the substrate and are those all live plants?

I've tried ADF's about three times and I've given up. They never last more than a month for me and this last one only made it one week so I've quit trying. For the five gallon, I'd go with ADF's (if you want to try them, I don't recommend it anymore b/c of personal experience), an apple snail (of the Bridgessi sort so it doesn't eat plants), or ghost shrimp or another sort of nice shrimp (could be a potential meal but could also work out just fine). For the ten gallon, WCMM sound good though I'd personally go with a small school of pygmy cories, I love the personalities of them.
Your bettas have some pretty sweet tanks. I especially like the ten gallon, what is the substrate and are those all live plants?

I've tried ADF's about three times and I've given up. They never last more than a month for me and this last one only made it one week so I've quit trying. For the five gallon, I'd go with ADF's (if you want to try them, I don't recommend it anymore b/c of personal experience), an apple snail (of the Bridgessi sort so it doesn't eat plants), or ghost shrimp or another sort of nice shrimp (could be a potential meal but could also work out just fine). For the ten gallon, WCMM sound good though I'd personally go with a small school of pygmy cories, I love the personalities of them.

I can never find pygmy cories around here. I have plenty of cories in my 120 gallon but I don't feel like splitting up their happy little group. :) The substrate in the 10 gallon is just large black river stones I bought from walmart in the craft store. They were pretty cheap. Only one plant in the 120 gallon is live. The rest is fake. I got the grass looking stuff at petsmart for like $14.00. He likes to hide in it. :D

I might try the ADF's out.

I remember having a tank when I was little, my parents had one and had some ADF's they would always die the next morning. But I don't think they knew much about fish keeping.

I'll give it a try. If things don't work out, it's only a couple bucks. :thumbs:
Yeah, I had 2 ADF'S and then I had to give them to my sister because she thought they were cute and told my dad to give them to her. Eh, The were a little interesting I must say but most of the time there just hiding under plants and stuff...There a little messy to. :D

[I'll give it a try. If things don't work out, it's only a couple bucks. :thumbs:

True, they aren't expensive. If you get them at Petsmart or Petco, there is probably a 14 day gaurantee so save your receipt. I returned my dead frog and got an apple snail instead. On a student budget, that's just what you gotta do sometimes.
I would get some adf's for the 10g too. They really only eat bloodworms for me. I have had mine for about 6 months now and they are doing great. We have one that we have named tornado because for some reason every time he goes to the top for air he spins all the way back to the bottom of the tank. Another one does sommersaults all the way down.
I would get some adf's for the 10g too. They really only eat bloodworms for me. I have had mine for about 6 months now and they are doing great. We have one that we have named tornado because for some reason every time he goes to the top for air he spins all the way back to the bottom of the tank. Another one does sommersaults all the way down.

Well I think I will buy 2 adf's for each tank and see how they get along. feeding them bloodworms won't be a problem as I usually buy a packet of bloodworms to give to my bettas as treats every weekend. And a pack lasts a long time between two bettas.

I'm not looking for anything too showy...I just want something to keep my bettas entertained. I'd imagine it would get lonely in a tank all by yourself for the rest of your life.

I added a live plant to the 5 gallon hex and took out the fake one. I think this will be the end result in each tank

I have two ideas for the 5 gallon hex

1st 5 gallon hex idea
Angus my betta
planted tank
ghost shrimp

2nd 5 gallon hex idea
Angus my betta
2 ADFs
ghost shrimp

Which do you like better?
Because your bettas are pretty docile I would go with the ghost shrimp.

The tank is filtered right? You might be able to get away with the ADF's too. They might pick at the shrimp though. My ADF's kill and eat every big snail I have ever put in my tank.
Because your bettas are pretty docile I would go with the ghost shrimp.

The tank is filtered right? You might be able to get away with the ADF's too. They might pick at the shrimp though. My ADF's kill and eat every big snail I have ever put in my tank.

Yep it is filtered. I might go with 2 dwarf frogs and some shrimp...I don't really mind if the shrimp get eaten.

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