pictures of my bettas

all my fighters are in divided tanks holding anything from 4 to seven fish. the dividers are glass and completely sealed so each partition is an individual tank. i use airstream or interpet sponge filters, as i do in all my tanks. they work really well and are easy to keep clean.
i do a water change every 3 days and use almond leaves as well as humaquat to condition the water as my tap water is very very hard. i stand my water for 24 hours before i change the tank water. this seems to work very well, although i have had 2 deaths since i started keeping bettas some 4 months ago :-( , but it happens to the best of us.
i can't wait to spawn the yellows but will have to wait as i go on holiday in about 8 weeks and don't want to risk leaving small fry to be looked after by my friend.
i am looking forward to getting my pair of Banpeaw as well as a white hm and red hm from the man, :huh: , bettaman of course. :D
yes all your bettas are................... Bea u tiful <------- ( off bruce all mighty)

lol :p

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