Pictures From Iraq

Great pics. Stay safe and thank you for what you are doing. BTW, I love your signature.
Very nice pics, glad to hear from you. Thank you for what you are doing, without men like you willing to put themselves in harm's way we would not have the freedoms we do in this country, and certainly would not be celebrating Independence Day tomorrow. The last line of The Declaration Of Independence says it all;

"we pledge Our LIVES, Our FORTUNES and our SACRED HONOR"

Thanks again, & keep us updated.

I've tried, but I can't imagine being in real danger every day of my life. It looks like it does on the tv when the news is on, it's hard to close your eyes and imagine how it feels, the temperature, the sounds, the people. It's the worse kind of war when the enemy looks just like the friends.

Thanks for posting them, love and best wishes and enduring thanks for your service.
I've tried, but I can't imagine being in real danger every day of my life. It looks like it does on the tv when the news is on, it's hard to close your eyes and imagine how it feels, the temperature, the sounds, the people. It's the worse kind of war when the enemy looks just like the friends.

Thanks for posting them, love and best wishes and enduring thanks for your service.

couldn't have said it any better myself

stay safe and keep in touch :)
Thats some mad pictures mate

You have balls to do what you do :good:

I admire all the soldiers who go out to fight for our country

A few of my good friends are out there just now
The worst part about being here isn't so much the heat, our vics have AC so pretty much everybody stays semi cool, plus me being a gunner means that I am like the dog with his head out the window!!!!
but as far as the worst part about the heat is that alot of these people don't have running water much of the time in their homes so they have to buy their water. plus without a modern type infrastructure
much of the sewage is just running all over the streets and forming pools in low lying areas. so you can just imagine the smell. I am so used to it now that unless its a particularly ripe patch I don't even notice

Mark I am sorry that my fellow soldiers left you wondering, 2004-2005 was a bad tour over here, it was when the mahdi malita decided that they could take on the US army head on. alot of people were hurt then.
I think that during that tour when the fighting was at its worst, the mahdi said that they lost some 1000 people to the US's losing 100. don't get me wrong I can't imagine losing any lives good or bad, I have talked with
alot of Iraqis about it and it bewilders them more than it does us. they can't understand why people would even do such things that are being done. they disagree on a philosophical level, but they don't really care what
your belifes are, they just want to wake up in the morning and do their thing just like everybody else.
If the Americans were not so gun ho they wouldnt be hated as much as they are out there. When I was in Baghdad we could drive past IED`s without them taking us out as they were waiting for you guys. And 2004-2005 was not that bad out there Ive been twice and 2003 was far the worst experiance of my life we were the most contacted battalion sice WW2 one of our soldiers got a VC and quiet a few MC`s were handed out. But when your involved in a firefight you do not expect a load of US army to drive past and start fireing into you. Even in the British army vehicles it got to a point where we had to hold up big union jacks and point our weapons in the air to stop you guys firing at us, got to the point of who is the enemy. So to all the Brits posting on here saying how much of a great job the US is doing over in Iraq you may wanna think about just how many Brits they have hurt, Injured and killed.
Mark, I have alot of contacts in the UK armed forces and while I agree the US Army don't help themselves I don't feel this is the place to debate the rights or wrongs of the US approach to firefights. (And can we find which ever idiot in the media coined the phrase friendly fire.... any fire heading towards your pos is not friendly regardless of the makers stamp on the incomming rounds).
Its refured to as blue on blue. And your "contacts" in the army are the actually infantry soldiers or REMF`s
i have been out there 3 times now and boy its hard work, worked alot with the yanks in baghdad and tilihal air base just south of as samawah where i based the last time i was out there check my sig for my vid i made any ways mate good luck keep safe head down and soon enough you will be back with your loved ones

many regards from the uk dane
Its refured to as blue on blue. And your "contacts" in the army are the actually infantry soldiers or REMF`s

I know it is blue on blue officially but the media still tend refer to it as 'friendly fire', at the end of the day its the term most people recognize. Blue on blue is still a tad 'tame' for what is usually down to some almighty balls up - but it is not just the Yanks who cause Blue on Blue.

My friends and contacts are spread amongst the different units so a mix of both... inf, armor, and supporting arms.

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