Pics Of Your Planted Small Tanks


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
well over the summer i am going to completely redo my 15 Gal and have sand and live plants, so i was wondering if you guys would give me some pics to inspire me on how to lay mine out.

So get posting, you know you want to :shifty:

Heres my 10 gall that I did last week


or the time before


or the time before that


phew!!! I think thats it..
Jimbooo Will you stop putting your pictures up!!!!!!!!!! They put my tank to shame lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wow.. everyone has gorgeous tanks :D
I'm not done with my 10 gallon yet, but I'll post pics once I get more plants for it! heh
Won't be anything spectacular but it'll do! hehe
Seems, sand is much more prettier than rock. lol.. but i've heard you cannot put sand in freshwater fish's tanks....
Excellent looking tanks! Very inspiring. I might set up a small planted tank in the future, once my main tank is setup and setlled. Keep the pics coming! :nod:
thanks for the replies people, sorry i keep putting the same pic up of my rekord60, it has changed since then but just haven't taken any pics. that 'scape was very sucessfull, very very little maintainance and looks great.

all the other tanks on here look great too and most probably took more work than mine. sometimes simple is good!

for the rekord (LOL) sand in freshwater is fine, in fact better than gravel if you have bottom dwellers. how many rivers have you seen with a gravel floor??? not many i think!

a huge bag of playsand that you can just about lift costs £4-6 (from B&Q, Wickes, homebase etc..) and will last you a life time. changing the substrate is easier as well. i syphon out all the sand and replace every few months. no more effort than a normal water change!
looking good everyone, although mine will be no where near as good as these, i'd like to give it a try :good:

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