Pics of your pets making funny faces?

One more of Charlie.. Last one i promise! He sticks his tongue out at me a lot, strange donkey :D



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i dont think there is a time when pete is not making a funny face...
here are some old pics



This is not a household pet but certainly a funny face. Look at the fish in the left:
I want to nominate the last picture of the horse with its tounge sticking out that is so funny :rofl: Make sure everyone who got thier pets in this topic nominated post them in September's nomination thread..

Morgan, sporting his "I wonder if they noticed that I pissed on the carpet" face.


Charlie: Overtired, or homicidal?


Pretty Bird (I know, I know - I didn't name him, ok?) making his, "Oh my GOD, what is that THING you have pointed at me?!" face.
I love the ferret POTM for him also. Any ferret steals my heart I love them all even though mine is very ill at the moment.. I am heart broken over him.. I hope God decides to let my little fellow stay with me a while..



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:kewlpics: Auratus, I love that dog I want to nominate the second picture for POTM it is so cute. I just love them breed of dogs,........ :kewlpics:
bloozoo2 said:
Angel Lady - do these pics need to be in the Pets Section to be nominated ? If so, perhaps it's a good idea to move this thread across as there are some CRACKING JAW DROPPING & EYE POPPING photos here !

If this can be moved across, I'd like to nominate all of the following for a POTM :D (though that would be entirely unfair as they are all such brilliant funny pics I won't be able to vote :-( )

1) BrookeLeas's "Look Mommy! I can smile just like you!"
2) rarefish's "Charlie"
3) Auratus's pic
4) smooth_bourbon's pic
5) Naughtygirlrlw's pic

Phlueeeeez Angel Lady ! :D

I will second them all also blozoo2. I just now noticed that they all had already been nominated once. So everyone who got nominated please put them in septembers thread..Thank you..
hey thanks for the nomination on my Captain Nemo. :) I Kept looking at the article to see all the cute faces, but totally missed that you nominated him. :D I told him so he can have something to gloat about lol.

I know, I know Mom, no black dogs on white couches.


Can you see me now????

Please don't mind my messy house. This was moving day.

This was my Great Dane, Kuma. He had to be put down last year. He had cancer. :byebye: I miss him. He was my favorite dog. Shhhh.... Don't tell Buddy.

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