Pics Of New Male And Female


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
Since I had 2 deaths in the past few weeks, I had room for 2 more bettas.. got a male and female..

I guess you'd call this cambodian.. I don't know.. don't plan on breeding anyways - female. Lives in those long 1/2 or 3/4 of a gallon things.. Come in lime green, blue, reddish. I don't keep males in them, not high enough for them to swim around in.



Heres the male.. the only ct at the store.. rest were messed up veiltails. The store stopped getting from a breeder, and now gets from their supplier, so I gotta find a new place for fancy bettas. It's in a jar right now, as the tank it was going into still smells like dead fish.. so it's soaking in burning hot water. Tonight he will be able to go into it I hope.



This mean girl I've had for quite awhile.. more then a year. Nothin fancy about her.


Heres the male.. the only ct at the store.. rest were messed up veiltails. The store stopped getting from a breeder, and now gets from their supplier, so I gotta find a new place for fancy bettas.

Beautiful bettas! Sooo judging by your username, you're in Vancouver I take it? Have you checked out Fin-omenal Fish in Richmond? I got 90% of my breeding stock from them. They import as well as purchase from local breeders.
Nice fish! The older female on the bottom looks like a real bruiser.
Yea when I was trying to breed awhile ago I went there and got some stock/cultures. It's quite a drive from here, and I'm not planning on breeding them anymore, so I'm not too keen on spending the big $ to get good stock.

I also used to buy from bcbettas when I was trying to breed.. I actually looked at your website yesterday.. too bad you don't have any opaques!! That's probably the only fancy type I'd be willing to pay extra money for.

That bottom one ripped males apart when I tried to spawn her.. I think I got her to spawn once, in probably 10 different attempts. She's too old to breed now, although she does bar up when I put a male beside her.

I like those tanks.. they're like $10, and are good for plakats and females. Males don't have much room to swim n them, so I don't keep them in there. Petcetera has good $15 1g tall tanks with light and filter.. that's what I have my males in.
It's got something funky going on with it's tail, but it should be fine after a few frequent water changes. They were in tiny containers, and didn't look like they'd been cleaned for awhile.
The CT I got from Wal*Mart recently has corkscrewy rays on his anal and tail fins; I think from the small container he was kept in for so long. They've already straightened out somewhat, but I doubt they'll ever fully recover. Poor boys.
Oh, I will have Opaques ready soon enough. :) I was expecting them to be ready for their new homes now but seeing as how this was my first spawn, I made a couple mistakes. They're all very healthy but are wayyyy too small for their age. I can barely tell between males and females at the moment. :p I'll let ya know when they're ready though. :)
What kind of opaques.. ct? dt? plakat? what were the parents?

Be sure to tell me though, they are definitely my favorite color betta.

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