Pics Of My Tank

Naaa, id rather have a straight tank than a massive bow front, i can imagine the distortion would be terrible through that curve
Naaa, id rather have a straight tank than a massive bow front, i can imagine the distortion would be terrible through that curve

To be honest Matt, its not disorted as much as you would think i was quite suprized myself as Eastlothian aquatics has one prac the same and it looks really good.

I am fooling with you. Wish i could afford a tank like that :lol: :lol:

Affording it isn't the biggest problem for me. It's finding somewhere to put it!!

Lol Buy one and u can set it up in my livingroom (plenty room) you can have access to it anytime :lol: :lol:
Beautiful tank, looks very well maintained and love those tiger barbs :good:

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