Pics of my new boy


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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I finally got a half decent pic of my new boy. Upon closer inspection under a flourescent light, I am pretty sure he has mouth fungus. The medication I am treating with is supposed to treat it, so I will continue to use it. Should I add more salt without a water change? I just put a pinch in yesterday, he is in a 1G bowl. He is sitting beside Bob on my desk. They caught sight of eachother and had a flaring contest. I separated them by putting a Wiggles coloring book in between them. The new guy fell in love with Murray. He is swimming up to him and wiggling his little bum, then he goes to the surface and blows a few bubbles. It is really cute. He still hasn't eaten, but I don't really expect him to because he isn't really settled in yet. Well, without further ado, here is my nameless beauty, the circle shows where the fungus is on his lips


Here he is peeking out at me

And another of him staring at Greg from the Wiggles

Any name suggestions?
Poor little guy!

You can add salt up to about 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. So, depending upon how much you already added, you may or may not be able to add more. :)
Thanks for the link, it could be that too. Will bettafix be enough or should I get some antibacterial medications too? I have Melafix too, but I have heard bad things about it so I am wary to use it. I have enough bettafix for another 2 weeks. He is a little more active today, but I still haven't gotten him to eat. I will try again tomorrow.

Hubby wants to call him Jar Jar because he says he looks like Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars. Any other suggestions?

About the salt, I added a 1/2 a teaspoon yesterday. I won't add any more until I do a water change. I am going to wait 7 days per the bettafix instructions.
Hi - he's lovely! :wub:

I'd say keep an eye on him for a couple of days - if you see his mouth getting ANY worse - you should get him on some meds that are a little stronger. I've not had to treat mouth fungus yet, but from what I hear, MarOxy is supposed to be really good for it. Just do a 100% water change before you change the meds.

He also might not be eating because he's afraid that it might hurt him. If you're trying pellets, you might want to try soaking them in dechlor. water first. Just a thought.

Good luck with him, he's a very handsome boy. :)
If the pics are any indication of his true color, I would name him Sky. :)
I did try giving him a pellet, and also a bloodworm. He may have eaten the bloodworm, I can't see it in his bowl. I had to take the pellet out. I like the name sky, that is what he looks like under light. His face is so black, if you don't have a light on him, you can't make out his features. I loved him as soon as I saw him :wub: . Thanks for the help
Just a quick update. He is still not eating, but tonight is pea night, so I am going to try to give him some. I will also try some more bloodworms. I have been adding bettafix daily, I have 4 more days without a water change. Will this be ok with only a 1G bowl? He is much more active today, flaring away at those darn Wiggles. He hides when I take it away. I have to convince my daughter to donate her colouring book. :D I am really in love with this one, but his name still eludes me. Sky is a good one. I am leaning towards Lover Boy only cause I fell in love at first sight. Of course I fell in love with all my boys at first sight. Even my hubby :lol:
You could always call him Casanova or Romeo. :)

How long has he been without a water change? Up to a week should be okay, then he'll really need one. I hope you're siphoning out uneaten food and any waste...?
Aren't you supposed to only redose bettafix when you take out water?
I don't think you're supposed to keep adding it in without taking water out - because it doesn't lose it's strength?

Or am I crazy?
I am pretty sure that's true for MelaFix.
The directions are to add a 1/2 teaspoon for 1G and to repeat dose daily for up to seven days before making a water change. This makes me really uncomfortable because I like to change 100% at least 2 times a week. Even on my 10G. I like my boys to have clean water. Plus his water is starting to look a little cloudy. I want to change it, and I think it will be beneficial for him.

I am a little leery about taking him out so soon, so I think I will wait until tomorrow. He is blowing little bubblenests all over the edge of the bowl. He works on it for a while then rests on the plant I have in there with him. He seems much happier today. Hopefully he will eat for me tonight. I'm off to thaw a cube of bloodworms and feed the hoard of hungry fish :whistle: :whistle: This is my favourite time of day I get to see 120 pairs of eyes look at me adoringly :wub: . Of course it is the food they love.....but thats ok :)

I have good news and bad news. The good news is, he ate a couple of bloodworms. The bad news is he is getting worse. Here is a really bad picture. But you can see the two spots on his cheek. They weren't there yesterday :-(


They are bigger than any ich I have ever seen. He has one on his tummy too. I don't have money to get any other meds, here is what I have: Bettafix, melafix, salt, and super ich plus. Can I use any of these to help? This sucks. I will have money soon, I am done school at the end of May, and hubby is done next week. If I absolutly need to get something I will probably raid my daughters piggy bank :fun: . I love my fishies. Thanks for your help.

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