Pics Of My Nano


Fish Addict
Jun 30, 2005
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH USA
I finnaly got around to taking a few pics of the nano I setup. The diatoms have finally died down but some hair algea is starting to pop up. The cleaners are on it but I may have to add a few more.

A pair of ocellaris clowns
yellow watchman goby

Devil's Hand
Red/Green Mushrooms
Red Zoos
Green Zoos
Purple Zoos
Green Star Polyp

This is my first reef tank setup so I have slowly started with some easier softies and I soon plan to add a few LPS as I start building my confidense. For all those new to marine that are contimplating a reef, it has been a chalange but the reward is definately worth the expense in time and money.






If you can't tell my clowns are very photogenic!
I tried, they came out too blue. Cheap digital camera! Great for taking job site pictures, but totally lacks when it comes to anything else.

The corraline is from the original rock. I have just started noticing little spots forming on new areas. I just hope I don't have to scrape it off the glass! it can grow anywhere else it pleases.
What size tank is it and what's your setup as far as equipment is concerned (aeration, lighting, etc)?

Yes, your clownfish are very photogenic. :)
JBJ nano cube deluxe. I changed the main pump to a MaxiJet 900 and added a split lockline with duckbills and added a minijet 606 to the first chamber with a Hydor Flo attached to it. All the stock filtration is gone and replaced with live rock rubble in all three chambers. Only other change is I seperated the moonlights off on their own circuit so I could have the mains on a timer and still use the moonlights.

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