Pics Of My Lionfish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 4, 2007
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Gaylord Michigan
OK before anyone goes nuts on on me i did lots of reading on this guy before i got him . i have had his tank set up for as long as i have had my reef tank going.
it was my hospital tank . :rolleyes: so it is well past all the bad stuff .the tank has never been medicated so it should be fine there to. being that i have never had any sick fish to put in it my wife said i needed to do something with the tank of get rid of the tank .so i did something with it. :lol: well i get to it and stop babbling. he is still really small only about 2"but he has a really be apatite. eating already witch is a good sign .




He's beautiful! It's the one fish my partner really wants so looks like we'll be setting up another marine tank somewhere down the line... :crazy:
beautiful fish man best of luck with him...i recomend thick latex/ leather /rubber gloves with long sleves on him...when them suckers sting i hear it numbs your hand...up to your elbow....for hours...
Te he he...loin fish :fun: .

Lovely fish, I really like lion fish, but I hate having to clean their tank.
They are very friendly and will come up to your hand when its in the water :crazy: .
They are not poisonous, they are venomous. ;) If you do get stung, immerse the wound in hot water. Glad to hear that the animal is eating well.

I assume you also have a fairly big tank (100 gallons+) in which to house the animal when he grows into a 15'' beast.

i will be getting a larger tank this summer for him to be in the rest of his life
just trying to find a good deal on one. hopefully 90-100gallon+ long so if anyone know of one let me know.

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