Pics of My Fish


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
Louisville, Ky
Today was picture day for my fish! I had not taken any pics for awhile and had just joined here, so I decided to take some to share. Sorry about the quality on a few of them. My Camera battery was about dead.

Bala shark. Man he got BIG!

Black Fin Shark

smaller Black Fin Shark ( The 2 are usually close together, except for when you want them to be for a pic!)

Clown Loach ( ihave 2 of these guys)

More to come
Albino Cory

3 of my other Cory's

Dwarf Guarumi. (spelled that one wrong!)

Glass Catfish
WOW nice quality Pics
I love the one of the Frog
FOTM for the frog (Do frogs count?)
How big is that tank?
As a warning i just heard Clown loaches can easily
take out the eyes or cories (there switchblade Eye lides)
Yes, that's a fine looking African Clawed Frog! I'll second that nomination! :thumbs:
I'm pretty sure that your unknown fish are Congo Tetras. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure sure that's what they are ;)

Im going to have to charge my Camera and get some good frog pics for you guys! Im all for that nomination! How do I get into where I can get voted on?

Gabe....Your guess is as good as mine! They are "unknown's" to me. :D

Nix....All of the pictured fish are in my 55 gallon. The 2 Frogs, New Guinea Rainbow, Redtail shark, and a few guppies are in a 29 gallon. Then I have my Betta tank which is 5 gallons.

I know I have more frog pics on my compter. Let me see what I can find!

Here is my old Pleco. I had to give him up. :sad: He got over a 13 inches and was starting to tear the place up. I watched him grow from about 2 inches!
Found 2 more!

Here is one that looks like the other, but is more clear.

Standing Frog. :p You can see the back half of the other frog next to this one.

This aquarium was given to me with the gravel. I am short on cash, but as soon as I get some extra spending money that Muli color crap is out!

If you guys like my frogs I will have to post pics of my 6 Turtles in the summer. They are hibernating under ground right now. :D
Dang! I hate to keep replying to my own post, but I keep forgeting to type everything! :/

My Clown loaches dont seem to mind the Cory's. When the Clowns do come out of their hole they are usually on opposite sides of the tank. Now when they outgrow the hole I guess I will have to keep a close eye out. By hole I mean a itty bitty hole. I guess this log is hollow! They both go down inside it. I looked all over for them one day, and thought they had vanished without a trace! Then one popped out of a tiny hole in one of my logs. Here is a pic of one going in.

And here is a Kuli Loach peaking out from under that same log to grab a bite to eat. It is all 4 of the loaches Log I guess. I am thinking of adding a Dojo Loach to my loach family, but I cant find one anywhere!

OK OK that is all the pics I will post! I am pic crazy. :hyper:
Your unknown fish are deffinately congo tetras, i have a shoal of them myself.

How many bala sharks do you have? They are a shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of 3 or more, they will also require a minimum of a 75g tank when full grown.

You are heading for trouble with your shark cats, i know its not your fault as these fish really shouldnt be sold in fish stores but they are not home aquarium suitable fish. Shark catfish need increasing ammounts of salt added to their water as they grow until they eventually go into full marine conditions, without this increasing ammount of salt the fish WILL become ill and die. They are also predators and your khulie loaches are in serious danger of becoming late night snacks.
Nice fish you have :) Yeah, I would have said the unknown fish are Congo Tetras, as well. I've seen them at a LFS.
toonfan said:
Hi There,
How big are your frogs, i'm really interested in these guys.

Please tell me all you know.
Hi toonfan :)

Rather than go into a frog discussion here in the picture session, I'll start a thread in Tropical Chit Chat where more members will see it and participate in the discussion.

They are fine pets and I enjoy them, but they are also quite controversial. :eek: I think the thread will be fun! :D
CFC said:
How many bala sharks do you have? They are a shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of 3 or more, they will also require a minimum of a 75g tank when full grown.

You are heading for trouble with your shark cats, i know its not your fault as these fish really shouldnt be sold in fish stores but they are not home aquarium suitable fish. Shark catfish need increasing ammounts of salt added to their water as they grow until they eventually go into full marine conditions, without this increasing ammount of salt the fish WILL become ill and die. They are also predators and your khulie loaches are in serious danger of becoming late night snacks.
I only have one Bala Shark. Had towo of them given to me about a year and ahalf ago, but one died for no apparent reason. Water tested good. I will Probably get rid of this one, because like you said he is to big now.

The Black Fin Sharks were given to me as well. I sure hope they dont eat my Kuli's. :sad: I had to have the loaches special ordered and the FS that ordered them said they would not be able to get more. So far they havent bothered each other that I know of. The biggest Black Fin does have a big mouth though. :/

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