Pics Of My Blue Rams


Fish Crazy
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Windsor, ON, Canada
I was taking pics of my plants and my Rams started posing so I had to. Here are some pics of my German Blue Ram Dwarf Cichlids, they are becoming more and more popular I've noticed, along with there brother the Bolivian Ram. Everyday I see some flaring and display of colors and fins.




I was taking pics of my plants and my Rams started posing so I had to. Here are some pics of my German Blue Ram Dwarf Cichlids, they are becoming more and more popular I've noticed, along with there brother the Bolivian Ram. Everyday I see some flaring and display of colors and fins.

The Tank

Says I have to log in to view the pictures, I always find photobucket to be a good host.
Nice rams, I've always liked them but have been put off my earlier experiences, when I was a noob. If I have the set up in the future I'd like to try and breed them. I like the way the ram is holding its pectorals in the last picture.
Thanks for the compliments. In the near future I'll have a bigger tank for my Rams and other kinds of Americas Cichlids. I'd like to keep Firemouths with my Rams. Also a seperate tank of Apistogrammas.
Great tank and fish too, but why did you keep the corner protectors on the picture behind the tank :)
Hi - thins might be slightly off the subject oh your rams, which are very lovely fish!!

However I thought it might be a good place to start for some advice. I am looking in to getting some rams and would like to know what sort of conditions and tank set up they prefer. I have done research on them but I find other people's experiences and opions helpful too.

Thanks to anyone who can help!
Hi - thins might be slightly off the subject oh your rams, which are very lovely fish!!

However I thought it might be a good place to start for some advice. I am looking in to getting some rams and would like to know what sort of conditions and tank set up they prefer. I have done research on them but I find other people's experiences and opions helpful too.

Thanks to anyone who can help!

For each Ram you should provide 10 gallons of water (40 litres) of water. They are sensitive to high pH, I wouldn't keep them in anything above 7.2, a big piece of driftwood will drop your pH or peat moss in your filter will do this as well. They establish territories so they need caves, I think caves are important for Rams, Flat slate rock is good, its cheap, looks great and can be set up to make multiple caves. They are happier when kept with other Rams. Dither fish like Tetras are good for them as well. They like high temps, 80F should be the minimum for them so you need to choose there tankmstes wisely as some fish do not like temps in the 80's. You'll get the best out of them with high quality foods, Rams can be picky eaters. I found that they readily accept NLS cichlid formula pellets and really enjoy them. Hikari pellets are good too, stay away from flakes, and make sure the pellets are sinking ones. NLS pellets along with meaty frozen foods will really get them coloured up nice n healthy. They need clean water, which isn't a big deal if you keep up with your weekly water changes of atleast 25%, 2 or 3 changes a week being better. Thats all I can think of at the moment, hopefully you'll decide to get some Rams, would love to see pics if you do.

P.S. Make sure you do not get asian bred Rams.
Thanks, that info is really helpful. I will continue to look into tank mates etc and find out if our favourite shop stocks them from a good source (they are pretty helpful there and know what they are talking about!)

Thanks again, will keep you posted on the progress!

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