Pics Of Guppy Fry From Day One :)


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
north somerset
guppy gave birth 17 days ago and thought i would show some pictures for anyone interested :)

the first picture is of the fry after about 5 days, still in there breeding box

then i took a few pictures today and these are and 17 days old, most of them are starting to have yellow tails just like there mother. there now in a 30 litre tank growing well. not had any deaths!

put two of the fry in y main 95 litre tank today and my fish swam after them but they hid and are still alive but dont think there ready to go in there so my others will have to wait intill they join the rest of my fish :)

my mum is having my old 28 litre tank so is taking 5 of the babys, but my female is pregant again and if what i read is right she has new bron every 28 days? she will be dropping next friday :) so soon will have my 2nd lot of fry :)
you will be over run soon mate

havent got any male guppys though but i read about them able to store sperm for up to 7 births not not gna have to many. but im thinking about using them as food lol, is it good for my other fish i have zebra danios and guppys. will they eat them and is it better then having flake food, obv it will be as a treat and will feed flake and bloodworm as normall. anyone done this before?

i no its cruel sorry but its cheap way of getting food and i think it would be good for my fish to eat live food once in a while.

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