picky eater

tara spooner

New Member
Jan 24, 2005
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my new betta wont eat. i tried betta pelts, blood worm and flake. no success. i phoned the store where i bought him and they said they fed them freeze dried redworms. ive never fed any of my fish freeze dried food as ive heard that its not good for them..is this true, and if it is what should i do?
My CT male Ozzy took nearly 2 weeks to eat :crazy: I offered pellets, betta flakes, bloodworms, you name it, I tried it. The only thing he would eat was the sinking pellets I put in for the cories! Which was ok as they are for meat eaters, but I wanted him to eat pellets like a normal betta :D

Anyways at last he took the frozen bloodworms and then once he started eating he tried all sorts and now he eats Hikari pellets.

They say it can take a while to change a betta's diet. Just keep trying and good luck

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