Picked up the 30gal ebay tank this morning...

I've got a bit muddled and put the tank update in the DIY thread...

Anyway here are the latest pics (not quite but nearly anyway)

Work finished, all painted and drying - looks a lot better and its flat :D :D

Tank in place

With sand substrate (2 bags was 1 bag too much :) :) )

With Plumb slate arranged :)

We've added the rest of the equipment. 2 internal filters at the moment - a mature biolife and a new fluval 3+ that will stay in there permanently. The biolife is from the bedrom tank and thats where it will endup when we set it up.

When we manage to sort them out, There will be a powerhead in there too for extra flow for the zebras oh and some wood.
wow :D that looks great! I want to paint the back of my 20 gallon, but Im afraid I might mess it up...what kind of paint did you use? I think your aquarium is beautiful!!
thanks for the feedback :)

It's just a blue gloss from a local hardware shop (Wickes if your in the UK)

That is actually our 5th tank (4th big one) and the only reason i did it is because it's 2nd hand - i didn't even think about doing it to a new tank!

Odd logic i know - but if you've just spent 100's on a new tank the last thing you normally would do to it is deface it :)
:hyper: THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!! I ADMIRE YOU! I'll let you know when i have i new tank (wich i doubt cuz i just got the 3rd, 5 gallons, for 2 bettas, and my brother was like "WHAT THE HECK?!") so .... if i have one you are going to design it :D , it looks soooo nice!!! :D congrats! are you going to add somethin besides those rocks? ?
I bought my 20 gallon tank from a flea market for $10, it came with the hood, filter, and heater too! I think Im going to paint a blue background on it...I hope it will turn out as good as yours :)
:eek: omg you are hte luckiest thing on the planet! my 25G was $35 and it only had a hood (no light) :(

where on EARTH idd you find that type of deal

and another question :) didn't shipping cost $234230984230948? an aqarium is pretty heavy..
he picked it up as far as i kno :/ , thats why i cant buy the tanks on eBay, cuz im only 14 so i cant drive, and OBVIOUSLY my dad /brother/mom wont do it :/
ohh...yeah picking up would work, but the thing is ebay doens't have much canada/ontario/toronto stuff does it? i serached and most of the items are in the states :/ or else i'd buy all my tanks there too lol
I'm in the UK. Most places are close enought to pick it up :)
I just check the location before bidding.

It took me 1h 30mins to get over there, load up the car and get back.

As for decoration - there will be some bogwood with java fern on in the back left corner, we've also got a triangle stack of tubes to go in there, for the zebras to breed in.

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