Pick Your Brains


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2010
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what size are kribensis before they are sexualy mature and can breed ?
are there more then one species of kribensis ? why i ask i bought a pair from a lfs they are 5cms long and look like all the pics of kribensis ive found when i google it . i got four more the same size from a guy who wanted to re home them but they look slightly different

There are multiple pelviachromis species, of which the kribensis (pelviachromis pulcher) is one.

Not sure when they are sexually mature, I've only just started breeding them.
Yes, there are several species. The best way to see whether they are sexually mature or not, is when both sexes display their purple bellies.
the bottom one is my male PELVICACHROMIS TAENIATUS NIGERIAN RED well thats what lfs told me its the top one i would like to identify .
dont know im afraid it just looks like its lacking the colouration of a taeniatus, right shape though as said may just be the picture

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