Pick 'n' Mix?


May 5, 2006
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We are planning on getting some cory's for our 120 Uk gal tank and were thinking of getting 6. Is it best to get 6 of the same or 3 of one type and 3 of another? Would like them to hang out in a school. Could maybe squeeze 9 in but we are getting some plecs too so not sure about how much floor space there will be yet!
corys do tend to hang out with their own type (ie. bronzes group with bronzes, peppers group with peppers), so you could get 3 of each if youre getting six, but 3 is considered as the absolute minimum group size, and as i said, they do tend to group with their own type, so if you got 6 (3 of each) you would most probably get two groups of 3.
Thanks geo, might just go for 6 of one type as they would probably be more fun to watch?
Thanks geo, might just go for 6 of one type as they would probably be more fun to watch?

The more of the same species, the better. Just remember, once the cories get settled in, they will go out on their own at times and explore the tank. They will still school at times and its fun to watch that many of the same species together at one time :good:

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