Picasso Trigger


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Southwest England
Hi all

I am seriously thinking of selling my coral's and going for a FOWLR set-up as I am getting really fed up with seeing fish I really like and then finding out that they are not reef safe. My tank is 400l and proberly has just short of 60 kilo's of LR. The current fish stock is: A medium sized Yellow tang, a coral beauty, A large African Clownfish (big) and a Chalk goby.

I really like the look of trigger's and preticularly like the picasso, has anyone here ever kept one? if so what did you house it with? I would also love to hear any other stocking suggestions for a 400l FOWLR tank.

picassos should be okay with those fish, there mainly invert experts however they do have a very strong bite on them, ive seen alot of picassos some can be nice and peaceful i kept one in a semi reef for a while however i have also seen them being very aggresive to fish of a similar size or bigger.

suggestions i can think of a few harlequin tusk and majestic angel jump at me straight away.
Thanks Shibby,I like those fish you mentioned, is there anything that looks really strange you can think of, something with real wow factor but would not also kill everthing in the tank :lol:
well if u want weird and wonderful theres Lactoria fornasini 6" max size cowfish, but youve got to be careful what you put with them!

there is also rhinopias but there quite predatory

also some of the larger wrasses would be nice like coris gaimard and thalassoma lunare
okay couple more for you to ponder saw one of thse today Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus stunning in the flesh!

and i had a thing bit unsual how about a purple tile goby Hoplolatilus purpureus they almost shimmer when u watch them.
im also looking at seting up a tank for clown trigger, and huma trigger, what about butterfly fish? are they compatable?

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