Hey Guys,
I think there is something wrong with my water. My fish seem to be less active. My flame and Royal Gromma hide in rocks all the time now not to mention they are suffering Popeye and Tail/Fin Rot. When I put my hand in the water, and take it out, it itches and on my girlfriend, it causes red bumps. Please help. I already dosed my tank with Mardel brand medication for this stuff. Is there any special measures I should take? What exactly is casuing this?
I think there is something wrong with my water. My fish seem to be less active. My flame and Royal Gromma hide in rocks all the time now not to mention they are suffering Popeye and Tail/Fin Rot. When I put my hand in the water, and take it out, it itches and on my girlfriend, it causes red bumps. Please help. I already dosed my tank with Mardel brand medication for this stuff. Is there any special measures I should take? What exactly is casuing this?