

Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2011
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Since Winter and Milady's fry are decidedly NOT photogenic yet (they just look like a dirty tank) And because we had so much fun in the names topic a few weeks ago... I figured I'd post some photos of what started my Betta journey:

My boyfriends Bettas:
"Captain America" aka "Sam"
The VT pet store refugee:


Sam is a slow older guy who has a real laid back disposition, rarely flares, but loves exploring plants and shells in his half of the 5g tank

About a month after Sam got us hooked on Bettas, an LFS imported a TON (and I suspect that was actually a by-weight purchase) of Bettas from Thailand... To the tune of over 800 Bettas of ALL varieties... We bought my solid
Black Gothie and a cool pastel HM named SKYRIM... Because my boyfriend is a gamer and was excited about the game, and because he has pastel colors like a sunset



The POLAR OPPOSITE of Sam, Skyrim is a hyperactive little busybody who flares at everything and seems to move at a sprint (he swims like a Zebra Danio... Never still for more than the blink of an eye!) he is the most aggressive eater I've ever seen. And tricky to photograph since he NEVER sits still!

I kinda like his color, he also has a weird finnage, almost like s CT cross, there are little spikeys on his fins with CLEAR membrane between the color rays... He's an interesting character.

Sorry about the quality guys, these were taken with my phone at feeding time!

Feel free to ad shots of your favorite fish as well :)
...and just for laughs, I was going to set up one of my white males with this as his tank mate:

She was given to me as a gag gift, I kinda like her, I'm thinking she will make a fun decorative theme to contrast one of my white boys... LOL (sadly, I'm serious)
Nice, Rockstar is cool!
I love his Bettas, they are so different from mine... I love how much personality variation they have!

Betta is Better:
I know, that Ursula reminds me of one of my rhythmic gymnastic coaches from when I was a good times!
Yeah, every one of my bettas is completely different. Rockstar is the hyper one, Ice is the chillax one, and Flare is the flirty one.
Since mine are mostly solid white I worried I'd confuse them easily...
Winter stands out no matter what, and my other two guys are subtly different looking enough that you wouldn't confuse them if you knew them... But all 3 girls (sisters) look pretty much identical except for the rapidly healing tears in Snowdrop's fins they are pretty much clones.

But their personalities really make it easy... Milady de Winter is confident and laid back, Snowdrop is kind of crazy an completely fearless, and Luminossa is a bit of a tweaky spaz... Can't ever decide what sue wants to do, so tries two or three different things at once (she is a fish ADD case!) when you know their habits and personalities, they are more different and distinctive than the boys are. In pictures though, itd be hard to tell them apart! LOL so much fun

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