Photos Of Coral In Bath


Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Kent, England
Ignore the dark marks on some of the pictures it's the home made frame for the lighting, I couldn't quite focus it out of shot.









OMG :drool: you really are very jammy, I am so jealous, all those zoas (you do know about zoas don't you, poison wise?), looks like zenia and is that a fungia? Along with what looks like some lovely ricordias and goodness knows what else. I dont think I have ever seen rock with such wonders on as freebies

Seffie x

ps just had another look, there is a snail on one rock of zoas, just have a quick check that its not a sundial :good:

pps just had yet another look, i'm sure you have far too much rock for your tank, maybe I should help you out :rolleyes:
Thanks Seffie yeah I was aware of Zoas but didn't know about the capability to squirt quite so violently, but I always wear gloves anyway, safety specs, toe tectors, fluorescent jacket and hard hat from now on. I had an allergic reaction to the algae that grows on ropes when playing about in speedboats a few years ago. Was doing a sea survival course and showing people how to coil ropes and was exposed to it over a series of days, by the third day my hands were covered in red marks and really painful and aching. Turns out it was reaction to algae on the rope, now I always wear sealskinz gloves. (not I repeat not the skin of seal, although that would be nice and warm.........especially baby I'll get my coat) I wear gloves that came out of anti swine flu kits, got hundreds of them, can't be too careful too many things that bite and sting.

P.S Don't think they're sundial closest I can find is Cerithium punctatum, the shell is more conical than a sundial.

P.P.S You are just too generous, so selfless, it warms the cockles of your heart to see such acts of kindness in an otherwise harsh and uncaring society.

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