Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

Have you had both gourami for a year? If so, the male may just be coming into his prime. He may be too zealous about breeding and is giving her issues. I would isolate her for a few weeks, let her heal up and see if the present wounds heal up. If they don't return, it is likely the male or something else in the main tank. If they don't disappear or if more appear, you know it's something to do with her.

You can isolate her in a plastic tub. You don't have to have a tank for this. You'll need a spare heater, but if you do daily water changes, a filter isn't necessary.
LyraGuppi said:
And she's behaving perfectly fine, yes?
Mostly yes, but with one important change: She is not eating as much or as fast as before. She used to be a Hoover! No longer.
Update: We saw that Interpet's list of symptoms and recommended treatments that come with their medicines, and we are trying their Anti-Internal Bacteria. Let's see if it works.
Another suggestion online a series of baths with Methylene Blue. I would like to try that next.
attibones said:
Have you had both gourami for a year? If so, the male may just be coming into his prime. He may be too zealous about breeding and is giving her issues. I would isolate her for a few weeks, let her heal up and see if the present wounds heal up. If they don't return, it is likely the male or something else in the main tank. If they don't disappear or if more appear, you know it's something to do with her.

You can isolate her in a plastic tub. You don't have to have a tank for this. You'll need a spare heater, but if you do daily water changes, a filter isn't necessary.
That is v interesting attibones, thanks.
You help us to figured out their ages. They have tried to breed this summer, built bubble nests, and had fries, 3 times i think. We tried to help the fry grow, trying to get as many as possible and isolate them in a little maternity box inside the aquarium, but sadly we failed, and our best result was 1 fry reaching about 1/4 inch long.
And great idea about isolating her from the male.
Update: The treatment with Interpet Anti-Internal Bacteria didn't make any visible difference. But this morning we found her lying on the aquarium floor almost immobile, and didn't go for the surface when we added food.
So we've decided to try the methylene blue bath, she just had 30 minutes in it.
Fingers crossed...
Tuesday: She looks worse this morning, lying on the floor almost sideways, still breathing, but looking even paler than before, almost white, and she struggles to swim to the surface to get her air bubbles.
I'm starting to consider euthanasia. But if yesterday's blue bath cleared some skin disease, perhaps she can still recover??
How long should we wait before the clove oil farewell??
Clove oil this morning sadly, she was too poor, dying really. It was the only humane thing to do.
The other fish in the aquarium look fine. Let's see.
Thanks LyraGuppi,
Now our male Gourami is the only Gourami in the tank.
Do you think he will he be ok alone?
We only have 3 Neon Tetras there with him. The Gouramis never even aknowledge the Neons. Though now our male Gourami seems to be noticing them, and either trying to school with them, or display? Or harass them??

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