Photo Of My Red Devil


New Member
Jul 3, 2004
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hello this is casper !!! hope you like him

Nice big guy! What have ya got him in with? Looks like I saw a GT in one pic and a sev in another? If you got a FTS that would cool as well

Ox :good:
hi thanks for the replys ox i have 3 GT,s 1 JD, 1 veija synspillum a baby red devil(the sev) and a flowerhorn (could be either a blood bath or ok depends on temperments)
few pics of the others just for the hell of it


he is beautiful. i miss my old red devil. i had to get rid of him because he dominated the tank
Your RD is stunning What is his temprement like? Mine was a real b****d and wouldn't allow anything in his tank :rolleyes: . What is the fish in the foreground of the first photo in your second post please?
Your RD is stunning What is his temprement like? Mine was a real b****d and wouldn't allow anything in his tank :rolleyes: . What is the fish in the foreground of the first photo in your second post please?

hi t-bag sorry did not reply sooner the fish in the forground in a jack dempsy

his temperment is veryha laid back for a red devil he sometimes chases but thats all i think its cos i raised him in a c/a tank with lots of larger cichlids however it could just be him i have had jags that were pussy cats and convicts that would take on the world lol

a closer pic of the dempsey for you "T"

Lovely fish, actually looks part human

lol doesn't he just one of the best i have cichlids re temperment attiudde and all round tolerance i have ever had i just hope he keeps his temperment as he matures and would like to breed him but i think this would only bring out the territorial red we all love what do you guys think ?

at the moment he shares a 175 uk gal with 3 green terrors 1 vejia syn 1 flowerhorn 1 green texas 1 gibbecepts and jack dempsey and finally a small Red devil(would not be in there but someone was going to flush it as shredded fins in he "community" tank)

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