Photo Editing Suite


Fish Crazy
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Sunny Southend, Essex
I have always had an interest in photography and would now like to have a go at editing my own photos so need some sort of editing suite.

I have looked at Adobe Photoshop but was put off slightly by the price. I was recommended Corel Paint Shop Pro as a possible cheaper alternative but I use a Mac and I can only find this as a windows based product. From a search on the internet, it seems to recommend Photoshop Elements as a good Mac alternative.

What I would like to know is what editing programme you would recommend - is it worth me buying Photoshop Elements for example and then upgrading at a later date or should I just bite the bullet and buy the full version straight off.

Thank you for any advice you can give.
Download gimp, it's an open source program that's nearly as powerful as Photoshop. And you can't beat the price.

Too bad, I had a Macintosh copy of CS3 design premium that I was looking to sell, I did so just 2 days ago. I'd have given you an offer you couldn't refuse.

Download gimp, it's an open source program that's nearly as powerful as Photoshop. And you can't beat the price.

I will have a look into that then.

Too bad, I had a Macintosh copy of CS3 design premium that I was looking to sell, I did so just 2 days ago. I'd have given you an offer you couldn't refuse.


Can't you unsell it? :angel:
I wish I could trust me. I sold it to a software reseller who will double the price I sold it to him for, I'd much rather have sold it to someone who would end up getting the deal of a lifetime on it. But I had it up for sale at various photography and macintosh based message boards with very limited interest. I already recieved payment so I can't go back on it now.

Funnily enough, the day after I sold it, I found tons of threads with people looking to buy that exact software. But for the month prior, nothing.

Oh and I misstated what I had before, It was Web Premium not Design Premium. It was still sealed in it's box like the day I got it, and I was looking for $255 for the whole thing (which retails in stores for $1599.99).

Oh, if you have a DSLR or another camera that can shoot in RAW format, you might want to check out the RAW plugin for Gimp it can be found here

If you go with Photoshop Elements (which will have everything you'll probably ever need or want) you don't need to worry as it's already RAW capable.


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