Photo Competition

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My fave pic of a mummy and baby. :wub: Under her "wing". :)
Its been over 2 months and no winner?

Maybe time to close this now.
I disagree with closing it. As Gankutsuou said, its fun seeing members pictures of thier fish. Perhaps all the spam in the middle with no pictures should be removed and the thread being made in to a sticky of favourite pictures by members? Something similar to the best of aquabid on the betta forum.
This is what the picture forum is for, posting your pics.

This thread doesnt seem to be going anywhere now. If you want to run these things then fine but at least have some continuity to it.
So why not have a sticky? I don't see the harm in that? A collaboration of members pics past and present. Ditch the non-picture replies and there ya go.
Im going to close it now.

If there is a winner then it can be announced in another thread.
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