Phosphate Mystery


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2010
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Hi guys,

I use RO water and phosphate remover in my cannister filter and my phosphate level is 0. However I keep getting v small brownish blooms on my sand bed that I rake over to make them go. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?

Thanks ;)
are they diatoms?

What phosphate kit are you using and how long has the tank been set up for?

Which phos remover do you use?
Tank is a good 8 months old, use JBL test kit which shows accurate readings (use them for Nitrates etc too) and use Rowaphos in the canister which gives me a 0 phosphate reading. Its like a brown in between the grains of sand.... gets worse with more light. Its a mystery to me.
does sound like diatoms perhaps the ro water you use is not 0 tds
What is TDS sorry? I have tested the RO water and that has a 0 reading for phosphates. This is why I am having difficulty diagnosing...
total disolved solids have u used a tds meter to check ro???
I use a JBL tester kit which shows an accurate reading (use them for Nitrates, Amonia etc) I have just put a load of phosphate remover in the canister filter 4 days ago. Its only a small bloom but there should be no bloom.
where do you get ur ro water from have you checked with tds tester?
Im just testing two cannisters of RO water that I have from seperate places... One of them has a very low level of phosphate in it so I think this is my problem... it's not supposed to have any in it.. I wont be buying from there again
also if tds is not zero the first thing to leak through is silicate someone plz quote me if im wrong. this could cause diatoms as the thrive on this. get a tds meter and check tds of water you get from lfs or ask them to test while your there.
Thanks for that mate... Could you tell me exactly what TDS are then and how they can cause Silicates and how they can be erradicated. Any help you can give me on understanding would be much appreciated!

tds meter will check for unwanted chemicals etc that come through ro systems this includes silicates when filters are old etc, i change mine every 6>7 mth as i do live in a hard water area i also use a inline tds meter along with taking samples every so often checking with a pen like tds tester
How do you know the test kit gives an accurate reading? most phosphate kits will be out. Even the best are not 100% accurate.

I would guess there will be a little bit of PO4 still in the tank. I use rowaphos and test with a Hanna Phosphorus meter and this still give a reading a little over 0.

I would also say the tank is still maturing.

As said previous could also be PO4 in your water. TDS stand for Total Dissolved Salts

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