Phosphate Level


Fish Herder
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester. UK
I've been using Rowa Phos in an attempt to remove phosphate (to stop those yucky algae :X ). But then it doesn't seem to work properly.

My phosphate level stays at aroun d 0.4 - 0.8 ppm -_-

Is that considered to be a high level?

What do you guys use to absorb phosphate?
Yea, I've tried Phos-x on my aunt's 10 g (her whole tank is just green) and it didn't seem to have an effect. (maybe the algea was too much for it). What I do know is that reducing the ammount of light getting to your tank by intesity and time and/or adding plants works great for reducing the amount of algea in your tank. (Plants compete with the algea for energy-usualy the plant wins!)
Try one of these options and see if it makes a difference :)
ki had used phos-x and it works great it got rid of my algae no problem. just scrub what u off the glass and clean your gravel and it shouldnt come back just us it tell your levels come down. im not sure if thats a high reading i had algea and now i dont.
Phos zorb from AP works well. With any of the scavenger resins they can only absorb a certain ammount of whatever they are meant to be removing until they are spent. In areas with high levels of phosphates in the water you may have to replace or recharge the resin media every two weeks. Personally i think it is better to solve the problem at source level and cut out the tapwater all together, buy your self a cheap RO unit for about £100 and you will not have to worry about phosphates nitrates chlorine or chloromines ever again.

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