I installed one of these in line with my external filter and as the phosphate media only takes up half of the chamber is there anything stopping me filling the other part of the chamber with Seachem denitrate?
You can put the two media together - but why not buy this?
Seffie x
I haven't no, but it is what I would buy - you can trust tanktests, they were set up by an old saltie
Seffie x
ps the only reason I dont use it, is I no longer run a reactor
It depends what media you wish to run together if carbon and phosphate remover I would not as one will most probably errode the other away, and if its your carbon that errodes all that junk collected will be pumped straight into your tank
Doh just re read
I would not risk it just add a bag or two of Purigen in the flow
Purigen will not fluidise it will go straight through to fine a partical but you can buy it in little pouches
Are you having nitrate issues ?
what are you nitrates?