Phoenixfish's 1st . . . And Probably Last Marine Tank


Feb 24, 2006
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Hello People

Well where to start, after spending months watching and reading other peoples journals, i decided to take the big jump and start a nano tank.

The tank itself is a butchered Cayman 60 which holds roughly 70 ltr/ 18.5 ish US gal. With a 12 ltr/ 3 US gal sump.
The lighting for the tank is 2 x 15 watt T6's which are part of the hood (1 Actinic/ 1 daylight) and a 24 watt PC (daylight), now the lighting isn’t ideal but due to the fact of having a cat that likes to investigate the tank a luminator or metal halide were out of the options for now. but i think I’ve maximized the current lighting without ripping out the 2 15 watt T6's which may be a later project.

Currently there are 3 power heads of different brands creating a nice circulation around the tank giving a turn over of 25 times not including the overflow to the sump. Now some people may think that that maybe too much but it creates no dead spots and quite a few "famous" tanks have similar turn over if not more,

There is approximately 10 Kg of semi curing live rock in the tank currently, which came from India apparently and is very light and hardly displaces water. it had lots of corialine algae which bleached but has now started to recolour hence the brown colour. . that and the fact its covered in datioms and other algae .But i now need some smaller parts to stick in the sump. This was brought semi cured from my local and has been curing a further 11 days since then.

The sump is a small 3 US gall sump which has the protein skimmer and a return pump in, there is a section contain coral sand which is waiting for some live rock. which is illuminated by an 18 day glow T8 bulb, which i had both started and bulb lying around, which is set on reverse time period to the main tank.

im currently using a Red Sea Prizm Delux protein skimmer which on their website is recommended for tanks up to 400 litres/ 100 gal which i think is a little overstated as it isn't the strongest of skimmers but is adequate for this tank. it also has a plastic insert at the end which is currently full of activated carbon but will be replaced with something abit more substantial once the carbon has been used up.

The salt i am using is Reef Crystals which seems to be proving quite well which i took off the advice of my LFS who has of yet proved trustworthy.

The substrate is a mixture of 9 parts special grade reef sand arago-live and 1 part seafor super reef both produced by caribsea.

Right that’s that part done :unsure:


stats as of today, 30/10/2007 at 4.

Salinity: 1.026 ( it was 1.028 but some RO brought it down) taken with a Refractometer
PH: 7.7-7.9
Ammonia: between 0 and 0.25 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm
Phosphates: 0 ppm
Calcium levels: between 460 and 480
KH: 10 / 179 ppm

right then the PH has been rather low but what I’ve read up in the stickys and on other peoples journals this is down to 2 reasons, first the tanks new and PH swings are expected but to be fair it hasn't swung depending on the time the taken its just stayed low. the second reason it could be low is the amount of Algae covering the rocks, its everywhere but due to it cycling there has be quite a die off as expected.
now the Arag-alive and the Reef crystals both say they help support a PH of 8 ish so hopefully it should level out.

hows my tank coming on as far as curing? ive seen the ammonia and the nitrites higher.

EDIT ive actually done a rescape now, not 100% happy on it prefered the old but too much rock touching the glass sides, so these photos are old, but it gives you an idea, ill post some new picks when ive found a layout i like
Picture time folks!

Full Tank Shot

Left side


hitch hiker

i've found 2 of these so far but thats the only one that you can easlely view.

see what i mean by covered in good and bad algae.


well thats my little talk for the moment
hope you enjoy and wish me luck :good:

Looking good phoenix. You might want to try to bring your SG down a little bit more to around the 1.023-1.025 mark. I'm no expert but thats what I got recommended when I started off and all my livestock so far seems happy! :)

You will have to test you ammonia again soon so we can tell you how well your tank is cycling coz the reading on its own can mean it maybe coming down but then again it could be rising, so your next reading will help us define this! You should eaither way see a little spike in your nitrites as your ammonia levels start to decrease, followed by a spike in your nitrates... and then it should be time to do your first water change! :nod:

Yea its true pH can be very unstable in the early stages until the tank starts to mature so dont worry about it as yet! :good:

By the way your hithhiker lokks to me like a Aiptasia which are supposed to be pests as they can quickly take over your tank! Have a look at the link and try to ID for yourself! :look:

PS. dont worry about the algae, I also got loads when I started, but your CUC when added will soon take care of it for you! :D
Good start Jano :). Get some cleanup crew in there as soon as your cycle's done to deal with that "bad" algae. And zap that aiptasia hitchiker before it becomes a problem
Good start Jano :). Get some cleanup crew in there as soon as your cycle's done to deal with that "bad" algae. And zap that aiptasia hitchiker before it becomes a problem

Aiptasia... Is that commonly called a glass anemone? And, since I am thinking about starting my own and first marine tank in a few months, what problems do they cause, and are they common hitchhikers?

And to Phoenixfish, why do you think this will be your last tank? Is it a big pain in the ol buttocks?
Aiptasia = glass anemone. They're pretty common and they an out "sting" just about any other coral/invertebrate. Combine that with the fact that they can grow like weeds in new nutrient-rich environments, and they can quickly COVER a tank.
hello people,

1entra: i was considering lowering the salinity down an notch to about the 10.24/5 range, but thanks for the confirmation on ph etc, as for ammonia ill do another set of tests later tonight and post them hopefully with a layout i actually like.

Skifletch: unfortunately i had a feeling it was an Aiptasia... the good news is i caught it relatively early on the bad news is one of them is very difficult to get to .. *mumbles* and slightly misplaced atm but i have some concentrated lemon juice in the fridge as we speak.

Chka1212: the reason why its the last tank is because my mum made it part of the "agreement" she still thinks that the 3ft freshwater might be coming down :rolleyes: and i also have a perfect Pico tank upstairs once ive got the hang of this one . =D . . so i think i may change that to Possible :hey: :fun:

(ps how do you change the post names now? in the old layout i knew but i cant see a way)

well ill edit/post the results of a new test today and try and find a suitable Aiptasia syringe


mums got some hyperdermic needles in the car so its "jabby" time once teas's sorted
did some water tests as asked for and the results are as follows

Date 31st October, 5.20

Ammonia: under 0.25 ppm but still has a green tinge
Nitrites: 0 (does this mean that my colony on nitrite bactreria has reached its equilibrium?)
Nirtates: 15- 20 ppm

Ammonia, nitrites and nitrate in that order.
pH is fine, and SG, 1.026 is NSW in most places. IMO its the perfect level.
pH is fine, and SG, 1.026 is NSW in most places. IMO its the perfect level.

well i havent tested the levels yet today and will do later tonight, the Sailinty is at 1.026,

well as far as the Aipstasa (how do you pronounce that anyway?! :unsure: Ap-is-tasia?) i managed to jab one with a very small pipette, but the one in the other piece of rock i jsut cant find, i know its on that rock, but its very well hidden, i think a possible pepermint shrimp may have to be called in. the one i got unfortunatly is back this morning just looking very white. ill go to the pharmacy to get a needle as mums not too hot on the idea. *prints out information*
coughs* i know im not ment to bump double post etc, but ive got a question folks and it is this . . WTF is my tank clowdy? i think its because my p.h is low (7.7 ish) and is desolving the aragalive? if so . . help :C

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