Phanton Tetras


Dec 28, 2008
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Devon, England
does anyone have these fish, if so what do you feed them because the dont really seem to eat my tetramin flake food?

can anyone help, thanks
helo mate i have 4 of these and they feed fine on flake food for me but try some catfish peelts and bloodworm mate that should do the trick ...
I have 3, they happily take tetra flakes, nutrafin flakes, bloodworms, brine shrimp.

Are they new to the tank? If so, dont worry too much, once they settle in they will eat.
just keep adding little bits and eventually they will realise this is food also try a small amounbt of bloodworm they love that my gran has 4 and when i set her tank up they were added and they were a bit funny when eating but after a week or so they calmed and now eat like pigs just keep trying they will get used to it
ok thanks.

also one of the tetras a a small chunk missing from his top fin, all i have my my tank are albino corys and danios, is this going to be the danios? this is the first case i have seen of it and the others are fine.

also how do you sex them because i have one with an orange bottom fin and i have heard this is a female. is this true

Could have been the danios, more likely another of the phantoms though. Cant help you to sex them sorry, I have two with red bottoms on their fins and one without, no idea which is which though :rolleyes:
are the black phantoms peaceful?
i always though they are best in groups of 5?
I started my 75 gallon almost 4 years ago with 12 of them. I only have 2 left now. They eat any foods I put in from flakes to froxen foods such as daphnia, bloodworms and brine shrimp. They are a very peaceful fish and there is a good color difference between male and female so they are very easy to sex.

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