

Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Newport, South wales
Hello everybody.

I would like to thank everyone that helped in my first ever post here, you were very helpful.

Ok.. so water chemistry to me, seems confusing.

What pH level should I have? the fish I roughly want are in a post I made before. I will post that in a min when I find it.

Also, how do I alter it?

Kayla xx
I don't think you should artificially alter your ph. IMO a constant ph is more important than the actual value. It can be lowered by adding wood to the tank.

I am not sure what is considered good as I think it's different for different fish but I would consider 6.5-8 to be ok. Are your fish reacting badly or something? Why di you want to change it?
Hey Peachybrown

I agree, don't start messing with your water, it really increases the chances of instablility, and fish are very adaptable. Most of them have been bred in tap water similar to yours anyway. As mentioned you can use a natural method to bring it down such as wood or peat moss, but don't start messing with chemicals - they are not very reliable.


Hi! Thanx everyone...sorry for the little hiccup of confuson at the beginnign of my post :p .. I am a very confusing person :D

Still thank you! I am goign to leave my tank a little longer and get everything perfect add a few guppies, then after that add some tetras or something, thanx again!
RobbieM said:
Would you use any wood or just bog wood?
I am not entirely sure, I think bogwood/driftwood is best. Someone on here said it was the tanin that lowered the ph but I am not sure about that as tanin is only released for so long but it works indefinatley I think.
out of curiosity does the powder that brings the Ph levels lower have a negative affect on fish coz before i bought my fish i had a ph of 8 then used his product to bring it down to about 6.5. i'm assuming it was the conditioner i was using that was bring my ph levels so high..

and 1 more question sorry
does the conditioner get rid of cholrine too ?

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