

Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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Hello :good: My PH has dropped over the past 3 weeks from 7.8 to 6.6. I'm thinking maybe the plants had something to do it.

Is there anyway I can higher it without chemicals? I want it about 7ish if I could
sounds like the PH from your tap is pretty high but when it gets into the tank it i right. If this is the case you probably need to increase your waters buffering capacity. This is tricky to do and a little dangerous for your fish if done incorrectly. So I advise you to instead perform regular weekly 20% water changes. This should prevent your PH from dropping so much.
thanks torrean! I never thought of at that, i'll keept the water changes regular. I'm going to test my tap water Ph now too
let your water sit out for an hour or so before you test the PH from the tap. Temperature affects PH. Let it reach room temp and you will get a fairly accurate reading
if you ever need to keep your PH high (for cichlids and stuff) I recommend the usage of a special substrate, such as crushed coral and shells. This really helped me a whole lot. It elevated my PH from 7.5 to about 8, perfect for cichlids! Chemicals can be used, but the constant supply of them might deplete your wallet!

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