
Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
My new marin tank has been sat quite happily with all nasty readings a zero (or near enough), the SG and temperature correct for quitye some time.

The only that isn't right is the damn PH. It is around 7.9-8.0
Is there an easy way which I can increase this slightly, as I assume it's too low for livestock.
hey, my PH was at 7.8 and i used this stuff byu salfert, its a KH + Ph Buffer.

I used some and it raised my ph to the area of 8.1-8.3

works real good try that sutff out.
If you need to buffer, you can add a teaspoon of bicarb to your topoff water daily until you hit your pH. If you run a low calcium, the best way to buffer then, IMO, is use a two part buffer system like B-Ionic or Kents CB 2 part buffer system. Most of the powedered marine buffers out there are mostly bicarb, so, save some money. SH

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