PH - should i adjust it?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2004
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i hear llots of advice to not change my ph, but the LFS tells me to use a PH adjuster thingy
- however i do see good reason to do so -
the water straight out of the tap is all the way in blue - its over 8 - however i see plenty of reference not to adjust ph in this forum so im not sure?
can any1 help me out?
Hi Yellowsky, You say your PH reading is blue, I'm guessing you have the API ( aquarium pharaceuticals inc ) test, if so that reading only goes to 7.6. Try and get the high range PH test kit which will give you a more acurate reading. My reading is always blue yet my PH is 7.8, also unless your PH is 8.6 or higher I wouldn't mess with it. HTH.
There's also a good reason why the LFS would be trying to sell you adjusters, if you think about it :sly:

I wouldn't mess with the ph unless it was very harmful to the fish but I find that most fish can adapt. Messing with the ph now makes it a whole lot more complicated, including having to change the ph of the water for waterchanges.
which fish would be intolerant of high ph?
cis if my fish can adapt i might leave out the sensitive ones

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