PH LEVEL (please tell me any info you have)

please help me...

i can't test my water now,, i dont have the test kit

is there a basic solution to test the ph...

i use crushed corals,, i dont know if it raise or reduce???
Kamel, take our word for it. It will raise the pH, don't worry. Notice in my post I said that even before I put the salt in, the pH was already about 8.3 or so. If you want to lower the pH, maybe try putting some peat in the filter, I think I've heard that helps lower the pH.
Right now all u wanna do is Take out All the crushed coral you have put into the discus tank. Take them all out. :nod:

Trust our words, Coral sand INCREASE the pH of water and BUFFERS the water too so that the pH stays around 8.

Using Peat in your filter will not affect the pH of your water UNLESS the kH value of your water is low enough. Im guessing after adding coral sand to your tank, the water has now added hardness (kH) and using peat will not alter the pH. you will need to lower the kH first.

use RO water.

But anyway. rite now all that is important is remove the coral from your tank.
Crushed coral, is largely made of Calcium Carbonate, (CaCO3). It is used to buffer water at high pH levels. Adding CaCO3 will never lower pH, as it slowly dissolves it will raise pH.

Coral or any other material that fizzes if you put some vinegar on it should not be added to freshwater tanks, the exception being rift valley tanks where it is often used to keep the pH high.

RO is the way to go. Chemical buffers which reduce pH are usually based on phosphates, these are used enthusiastically by algae, and can cause all kinds of problems.

thanx many to all,,

after i search on other web about crushed coral's and there effect's

i found that it's raise the PH...

infact i was bought a PH test today andd i found a big waaaaaaa

problem , my PH is 8.5 :S

so am chang 50% of water and remove CRASHED CORAL'S,, and test the water again it's 7.5 now

but how can i reduce the PH to 6.5???
Sean_Buckley said:
Won't a pH raise and then crash like that stress out the discus to the point of death?

that' very harmfull to discus..

my discus is black now,,

hope to not die :(

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