PetWorld selling betta vases - assembled.


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
As the title says, I went into PetWorld last night and was astounded to see that they had gotten the bright idea to assemble betta vases so that all people had to do was grab them off the shelf, toss them into a fabulous little gift box and give them to mom for mother's day.

The problem with them was that they had put the little plastic piece that holds the roots in place into the cups and left probably... hmm... 1/4" of breathing room for them up on top - so in other words, very little.. The roots of the plants were so completely huge that they took up about 1/2 of the room in the vase - the vases were very small to begin with. I talked to a kid working there who sort of gave me a blank stare back so I just said I'd call and I left.

I called and spoke to a manager on the way home... blah blah blah
His speal back to me was that they're not the first store to do it at, and if every store is selling this kind of thing it must be the "right thing to do". I tried explaining to him in a very civil manner that people will take these things home and fill up the vases too far and then they'll plunk the plastic piece down and the fish won't be able to breathe, and I told him that the containers were pretty small, among other things that made the whole idea of the thing just wrong.

His response was "I'm not responsible for what people do with animals once they leave the store." Then he asked me why I didn't have the balls to talk to him in person in the store. I told him I didn't want to make a scene in the store and thought it best to leave the store, calm down and then call and talk about it rationally. Then he said "Good, because if you had made a scene, we'd have VERY POLITELY escorted you out."

This is the same store who, when I called with a question about a betta tank, had one of their employees tell me that bettas prefer to live in the little teeny cups. :S

My whole reason for posting is to just ask that, if you can, contact this store in some way to let them know this is not right.
Here's their mailing address:
PetWorld Warehouse Outlet
2148 W Beltline Hwy
Madison, WI 53713
And their phone number:
(608) 278-7999
Here's their website: although they have NO info on it for contacting them.
I can't find it right now, but I ran across an article a few weeks ago that covers everything about bettas in vases and has the answers to every dumb statement that I've ever heard about vases and tiny bowls, etc. I have a printout of the article at home. I will get the web address when I am home tonight and post it.

I take a few copies with me whenever I go to pet stores just in case I need them. I have passed out about a dozen to people looking at the little bowls and I have also dropped a few on the counters by the bettas and one or two by the cash registers. Ooops. :shifty:

In the meantime, I'm off to type another nasty letter to this place and tell them about how the reports of their cruelty to bettas is spreading across the nation. :hey:
eudielynn said:
I can't find it right now, but I ran across an article a few weeks ago that covers everything about bettas in vases and has the answers to every dumb statement that I've ever heard about vases and tiny bowls, etc. I have a printout of the article at home. I will get the web address when I am home tonight and post it.

I take a few copies with me whenever I go to pet stores just in case I need them. I have passed out about a dozen to people looking at the little bowls and I have also dropped a few on the counters by the bettas and one or two by the cash registers. Ooops. :shifty:

In the meantime, I'm off to type another nasty letter to this place and tell them about how the reports of their cruelty to bettas is spreading across the nation. :hey:
Yeah, I know all about them - I just can't believe that this place actually assembles them for you. That's a new one to me - I haven't ever seen them where you can take them home and use them as they're presented on the shelf.

Whenever I've seen them before they've always been sold as pieces and parts but never fully assembled.

Such exploitation - it makes me furious.
Thanks for writing. :D
Well they claim you have to feed them but in order to feed them you have to yank the whole plant and stones out - and what a pain in the butt this is.
I would also guess that these vases hold probably 6 cups of water - and half that space is taken up by the roots.
It makes me angry.
The roots are also hard, so when a fish tries to swim through them they get stuck.
It was awful to see.
" Then he asked me why I didn't have the balls to talk to him in person in the store. I told him I didn't want to make a scene in the store and thought it best to leave the store, calm down and then call and talk about it rationally. Then he said "Good, because if you had made a scene, we'd have VERY POLITELY escorted you out."

You know BettaMomma, that sort of confontational additude from a store manager would have ticked me off so badly that I'd call one of their other stores and talk to it's manager to find out who owns the whole thing and how to contact them. I wouldn't even go into detail with the 2nd stores manager just politly explain that you are a customer who had a very bad experience with one of their stores managers and you want to contact whoever is over the other guy to lodge a formal complaint. It's worth a try. There is no excuse for a store manager to talk to you in that manner unless he is the actual owner of the business. (Even then it's not an excuse but if he's the owner and doesn't give a darn about his customers and business, well then that's his business and his own throat he's cutting.) Bettavase issue aside, that's just bad business conduct.
You ought to have threatened him with PETA... everyone is afraid of PETA. :|
I did.

I threw out PETA and the ASPCA.
I said quite a bit more than what I put in the original text - we actually talked for somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 minutes. He wanted to know why I was "picking on his store", so I had to tell him how I go around and check on these kind of things at every store in town... and that I wasn't afraid to contact places like PETA, the APSCA, the Animal Allegiance (a local organization here in town) etc.

I think that's what ticked him off and made him ask me why I didn't have the balls to approach him in the store. I actually told him that I have TOO MUCH balls and therefore I thought it best if I left the store to calm down first before I made a big ol' scene. I kinda wish I had talked to him about it in the store, because then other customers would have seen how he reacted to me, OR I would have gotten a different reaction because of the audience.

I will see what I can find out.
I know petworld is a chain store, there is one just a few blocks from my house. I ran into a problem with the manager at our local PetWorld, and he reacted a lot like yours did. Just wondering, do you live near Fairport?
Wow! What an unprofessional loser! I would find out who his supervisor and complain. There's probably some chain of command, and talking to his boss might get some results. He didn't handle your issue well at all, and even though he might not have been helpful with the betta-in-vases thing specifically he should've done things a lot differently. I say write corporate and discuss his crappy customer service skills.
Yep, you are absolutely right.
I was kinda excited that he said that i didn't have enough balls to talk to him in the store - that gave me a chance to tell him (and this is actually what I did say... lol) that I have more balls than he does. Then I went on to tell him the stories about how I"m not afraid to confront stores and turn them in, etc.

tee hee


And be sure that I won't let this go - someone will hear from me about it.
*writing down address*

Yayyy, something new to take my mind off of things!
Now we just need to come up with some horror stories about bettas in a vase.
I suppose I should type this and print it.. I dot all my i's and j's with stars, so I don't think they'll take me too seriously.. :p

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