

Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2004
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Chicago, IL
I went to Petsmart last night to see how much the Java fern was and what other plants they had, and I noticed that they changed the betta cup size. It was almost twice as big as they were before. And, they changed the display so no betta is left unseen, there are none that are under others or behind others, they have it stacked up, but the cups on the bottom are filled with gravel.

I didn't see if they did the same things with the female bettas, though. But I'm glad that they changed it, the bettas were flairing and able to swim around in the larger cups! :)
I was at PetSmart in Madison, WI today.
NO change in the way they display them BUT...
I thoroughly scanned them - all 23 of them, and not a sick one in the bunch. I was pleasantly surprised.

Although I'm very happy there were no sick ones, I was secretly hoping that one of them would have had popeye (or something else that is VERY curable) so I could take it off the shelf and hand it to the person working by the fishy cart over in that area, and promptly tell them they need to tend to their sick fish - in FRONT OF the 20 or so people browsing the fish department.

I have a sneaking suspicion that at your PetSmart, someone just started working there that really cares about bettas. YAY for you and the bettas in your store! :)
BettaMomma said:
I have a sneaking suspicion that at your PetSmart, someone just started working there that really cares about bettas. YAY for you and the bettas in your store! :)
I was there last weekend picking up meds for Sushi and noticed someone new working there. (I go to petsmart a lot, and had never seen her before) She was explaining to some people about cycling the tank and why it is important not to just dump the fish in there. Also, she was telling them that they shouldn't keep a betta in a little vase, and they should keep them in atleast 1 gallon.

The bettas were all in the same display, flairing, and swimming around. No female bettas there anymore, though.
My PetsMart still uses the tiny tiny cups without lids, but at PetCo where I got Haiku, they changed them to nice little lidded tubs. I took this pic of it, the lid has a little hole in the top for feeding:


I suspect it depends on the store's management. Most the pets look much better at our PetCo than at our PetsMart, but I have known others who had the opposite experience. I was very happy to see them looking so nice and in bigger containers. :)
Wow! That cup looks bigger than the one at Petsmart, and I thought those were big!
It looks to me to be about 3-4 times the size of the old tiny little cups, it's like the size of a small tub of butter. I kept mine to use for water changes. I wish all the pet stores would go to these! Also the PetsMart here uses some blue stuff in the water, but it makes their water so blue it is hard to tell their true colors. I hate the way they are kept there. :(
Yay! I'm glad the store changed the sizes. I'm more likely to shop at a store that shows love to their animals and takes actions on good suggestions. :D
The cups at the petsmart are probably 1/2 (edit, just reread your post, larger than 1/2 the size of a small tub of butter, it would be 1/2 the size of one of the larger tubs of butter...Something like that!)the size then the ones at your Petco. Atleast in the new ones there they can turn around without bumping into the sides of it!
As far as I know it's a sort of broadbased medicine that's supposed to reduce stress and the liklihood of infection while shipping.
Haiku said:
My PetsMart still uses the tiny tiny cups without lids, but at PetCo where I got Haiku, they changed them to nice little lidded tubs. I took this pic of it, the lid has a little hole in the top for feeding:


I suspect it depends on the store's management. Most the pets look much better at our PetCo than at our PetsMart, but I have known others who had the opposite experience. I was very happy to see them looking so nice and in bigger containers. :)
I was in Petco and saw the size cup they were in and how full they were and thought it was great until I looked a little closer. If you noticed the air hole, it actually extends down about 1/2 to 3/4 inches below the surface of the lid. A lot of the cups were so full of water that the water came up into the air opening so no air could get in the cups. It was late and there wasn't anyone in the fish dept to tell. I had totally forgotten it until I saw your pic. I will try to go back tomorrow on my lunch hour. I also think the blue stuff is something to reduce stress and cut down on ammonia.
Ack, it sounds like they overfilled them. I know the ones I saw the day I got Haiku had air, the extension wasn't dipping down into the water any. To have it that full wouldn't be good... I would think it would create a bit of a vacuum too.
At my Thai LFS they upgraded theres for awhile now... This an example of their newer jars.


YOu may have seen this picture from my earlier post. They are the same size as the new Walmart Jars and Those Petco ones.

EDIT: I put the shorter one next to it to compare the sizes

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