
SilverDollar_03 said:
Could Petsmart have put salt in with Dwarf Puffers, or do you think they are really GSP's that they said were DP's.
It's funny that you should mention this. Last weekend my boyfriend went to pick up a few puffers for me at Petsmart as we were told they had some over the phone. He got there and there they were... labelled as "dwarf puffers" and all... but the salesman then proceeded to tell him that they were infact GSP's. Grr! He said that they sent them the wrong type of puffers (obviously :lol: ) and they wouldn't be getting any for awhile. :(

I ended up getting them somewhere else( from the only store that had them anywhere in the city) but I had to go through a lot of crap. Boy these little buggers are hard to find here...but It was worth it. :D
The cups of salt are meant to keep the fish healthy, not to increase the SA Level.
Grrrrr. I really wish people wouldn't label PETsMART as bad just because 1 or 2 are. Sorry, I just get really defensive. I love my job. I know a lot about fish and take fish care seriously. My store doesn't sell dwarf puffers because a million stupid customers would want to put them in their community tanks. As for others, they're definitely not GSP's(unless of course the breeder sent the wrong type). And as for "the 10 tinfoil barbs all at least 4-5" in one of those little tanks," we have a filter system the size of my living room. The salt is meant for the fish's health(especially b4 a shipment) and we keep the salinity at the right level. Personally, I haven't had luck with privately owned LFS's. They're always dirty and the people don't know squat. I want to find a place w/ PETsMART quality but the selection of a non-chain store. PETsMART, since it is a pet store, not a fish store, has a small selection of common fish for the common people.
PETsMARTchick said:
Grrrrr. I really wish people wouldn't label PETsMART as bad just because 1 or 2 are. Sorry, I just get really defensive. I love my job. I know a lot about fish and take fish care seriously. My store doesn't sell dwarf puffers because a million stupid customers would want to put them in their community tanks. As for others, they're definitely not GSP's(unless of course the breeder sent the wrong type). And as for "the 10 tinfoil barbs all at least 4-5" in one of those little tanks," we have a filter system the size of my living room. The salt is meant for the fish's health(especially b4 a shipment) and we keep the salinity at the right level. Personally, I haven't had luck with privately owned LFS's. They're always dirty and the people don't know squat. I want to find a place w/ PETsMART quality but the selection of a non-chain store. PETsMART, since it is a pet store, not a fish store, has a small selection of common fish for the common people.
I'm lucky because my petsmart is awsome. Their selection is getting better.
Not to mention they change the water in the betta cups daily. :nod: They had a beautiful pair of Texas cichlids spawn and raise their fry in the store.

My friend who works there explained that each week, they get what they call "opportunity fish".

Those are the ones not available year round.

Anyone in Chicago should go to the Petsmart on Broadway, just north of Diversy. :nod:

BTW, upon further inspection, they were dwarfs at mine, I just don't know much about puffers. :*)
Thats O.K. There isn't a PetSmart any more in England, but they just changed their name to Pets At Home so I suppose we do have them! They don't have very much selection but I know why. Mine would NEVER stock puffers, the staff aren't very knowledgeable on specialist fish so this wouldn't be a very good idea anyway!
Your lucky. The two Pets At Home stores near me are full of the daftest people ever. "I'd like six Neons please" "Ok, which one's are they"
"Have you any frozen Brine Shrimp for baby Discus" "Discus? Are they livebearers" :grr:

My wife bought me a Rabbit in March for my birthday.
Bunny No.1 - Died
Bunny No.2 - After £70 vets bill - Died
Bunny No.3 - From different pet shop - Happy as larry and doing fine.

I'm gonna stop now before I start flaming :angry:
I'm so sorry to hear that! :-( :-( :-(

My pets at home is a bit better then that, but they don't sell any food apart from dried, which doesn't suit me or my puffers!!!

Shame, cause it would probably have been a lot cheaper too!!!! :crazy: :grr:
hmm....interesting to hear all this stuff! i decided to not buy puffers after all. too much work getting the snails, didnt have enough room for a 12 Gallon tank, etc. I got into bettas instead, and it was worth it. but i hear what pufferfreak is saying, the people at my petsmart are stupid too. "Can I have 3 Swordtails please?" "Sure, by the way, what fish do you have in your aquarium" "Silver Dollars, etc." "Uh oh! We can't give you a guarantee on these swordtails because the silver dollars are agressive and could kill the swordtails!"

.....stupid people

mr.bones- no its the one on fanshawe
dude you live in London, dont go to those stores they dont know anything about fish. come to my store we know about fish since thats all we sell. every other store in the city, accept pet paradise and my store know dick all about fish.

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