Petsathome Told Someone To Cycle For A Week!

Really? My fishless cycles took 10 and 14 days respectively, without any seeding from established filters, only adding pure ammonia. The bigger tank was the faster. I know lots of people who've cycled in under 3 weeks.

yeah tho i dont add ammonia i just add a few flakes of food. the longer the better i always say. :D its normally done in about 3 weeks or so but that extra week dont do any harm :) just put in a pinch of food every 2 weeks or so. :) no such thing as cycling a tank for too long ;)
Please realize that when you shop in one of the chain stores the person waiting on you is not a fish expert, they are a clerk or salesperson. They might be excellent at what their job is, but that job is not about helping the customers set up tanks and deal with problems. It's just about selling things.

If you want good advice, go to an independently owned lfs. You might pay a little more, but at least you can usually get the information you are looking for. Go often and get to know at least one of the employees. It will be well worth it in the long run. :D
I think you have to think about what peoples definition of cyling a tank is.. To me its a fishless cycle, but thats just because im new to all of this, and being here means that what i chose to do.

Many stores including pets at home would advise leaving the water in the tank for a few days whilst it matures, then adding some fish (some). They of course are cycling just with fish. Its an older method that some people choose to use.

Let me put it another way. if your not doing a fishless cycle with ammonia or flake or anything else, and you are cycling with fish, how long would you wait after adding the water to put the hardy fish in for cycling.?


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