Pets At Home?!?


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone.

As some people will know I have gotten 3 Hamsters from Pets At Home, All Dwarfs but one is a Snowy White Hybrid....

I got Piper and Paige around 7 months ago and Ghost around a month ago.........
Now Ghost was different as she was an Adoption Hammy that they have on the back wall.....
She was 2 months old when I got her and I thought nothing of it and got her a nice big cage
and lots of things to play with as Piper and Paige do.....

I was speaking with a Girl from the store today who I won't name but she's one of few decent
people who work for this company....

Ghosts life wasn't quite as they had made out.........
She told me that Ghost was in a tiny all metal bar cage that was no bigger than
one of the small petpals tanks.......
Her cage was cleaned ONCE A MONTH!
her food was stale and left in for 2 weeks at a time........
She was constantly woken up during the day from ppl knocking on her cage
she was dropped twice.........
And at one point she had wet herself so rather than cleaning her with a damp towel and drying her....
they put her under the cold tap and then back into her cage!!!

I feel sick to my stomach knowing what my poor baby has been through!
this girl should report them to the rspca ,she wont have to give her name, i feel sick reading that thats bloody awful
Agreed with the above.
If you can get ANY proof what so ever (or if the girl who works there can).

Then you or her NEED to get in touch with the RSPCA. This is what they are their for!
Id like to say that no story I hear about pets at home shocks me, but it seems to get worse every story I hear. It seems that very few people that work there have experience with animals. Apparently in the 2 in my city, their fish keeping is less than desirable. After everything Ive heard, I would never buy anything from them. Hamster, rabbit or fish, it doesnt matter, its all needless suffering and nothing deserves substandard care.
Guys it wasn't pets at home that kept the animals like that, this was a rescused hamster. So this time, Pets at Home saved it, so deserve a pat on the back! I got my 2 russians from the back wall too, so god knows their story....
I am not at all suprised.
Not sure if your aware but a lot of the pets in the adoption section of P@H are animals that have come from their own sale cages that have grown past the cute stage for selling or for some other reason they wont sell very easy
i also got my hamster from the adoption section of pets at home... When i picked him i was told he was part of a pair as he is a dwarf one and he is actually a she... She was there because she had been bullied and still to this day has a nice big hole in one of her ears....
She is very tame though so i do believe she may have come from someone who looked after her
I really have to jump in here - it's rather a sweeping statement to say that all Pets at home stores treat their animals/fish cruelly.

My local pets at home in southend has the best marine and fish section in the area - it is run by two guys who have their own tanks, have years of experience between them, know what they are talking about and offer helpful friendly words of wisdom. They do not sell anything to anyone unless they are sure the tanks are suitable.

So, yes, I agree that is an awful story and something should be done about it but whoa........ let's not throw the baby out with the bath water

Seffie x

I really have to jump in here - it's rather a sweeping statement to say that all Pets at home stores treat their animals/fish cruelly.

My local pets at home in southend has the best marine and fish section in the area - it is run by two guys who have their own tanks, have years of experience between them, know what they are talking about and offer helpful friendly words of wisdom. They do not sell anything to anyone unless they are sure the tanks are suitable.

So, yes, I agree that is an awful story and something should be done about it but whoa........ let's not throw the baby out with the bath water

Seffie x


This, bang on the nail... :good:
I really have to jump in here - it's rather a sweeping statement to say that all Pets at home stores treat their animals/fish cruelly.

My local pets at home in southend has the best marine and fish section in the area - it is run by two guys who have their own tanks, have years of experience between them, know what they are talking about and offer helpful friendly words of wisdom. They do not sell anything to anyone unless they are sure the tanks are suitable.

So, yes, I agree that is an awful story and something should be done about it but whoa........ let's not throw the baby out with the bath water

Seffie x


i agree lets not generalise about all pets at homes' :good:
Ghost wasn't a rescue hamster.
The girl told me she was one of there own stock that they couldn't sell.

I wouldn't say all P@H are bad but the one Ghost came from was a living hell for her.

Ghost was the last out of a batch and when she didn't sell they put her in adoption.

In this case it was Pets at home that treated her life hell of earth.
>:eek: Awful, awful, AW-FUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DX

Hammies shouldn't have to be put THROUGH that -- all mine are nicely cared for! DX

The only thing I'm not so good with is CLEANING; every few months (around 3, or so), I do a full & complete change but UGH!!!! I am SOOOOOOOO bad with this. XDDDDD

Still, I hope that you will take better care of Ghost as she is now, at your house, and in your care! ^^;

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