Pets At Home!

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Horror stories like these are no surprise by now. It takes a special idiot like earthling84 to surprise me.

Dont get us started on earthling.

AoS please start leaving some constructive answer's.
So far i see very little.

as for the puffers i agree with nmonks.
Some people i know have had gsp in fw for many many years
Sorry about being so pessimistic. I hate how in order to have such a great hobby so many fish have to die. Think about it, 6 freshwater morays are shipped in to any lfs every week. Saying 1 in 100 lives would be ridiculously optimistic. If we love our fish so much. Why must so many die?
Putting things into perspective helps.

Ever eating king prawns? Then you've been personally responsible for the deaths of literally hundreds of fishes including eels, flounders, gobies and all kinds of other benthic fish, not to mention other bottom living invertebrates. Trawling for large marine prawns results in 90% of everything caught in the net being thrown back, dead. In other words, for every large prawn you ate, nine fish/crabs/starfish/whatever died.

In fact most wild-caught seafood is more or less destructive of wildlife. Farmed seafood like salmon is marginally better, but the impact of parasites and ammonia from salmon farms is incredibly harmful on a local scale. Farmed freshwater prawns (the big prawns in Chinese food) do enormous harm to freshwater habitats because these prawns require brackish water, and the salt kills off freshwater fish as it leaks out.

If you've ever stayed at beachfront property like a hotel in Florida or really anywhere, you've contributed to the destruction of mangroves, salt marshes and other essential habitats for marine fish, particularly juvenile fish.

The impact of the hobby on fish populations is actually very small, probably negligible except in a very few cases such as Banggai cardinals and Galaxy rasboras where the wild populations were extremely small to begin with. In fact a properly maintained ornamental fish fishery provides native people with an incentive to keep their local waters in good condition.

Cheers, Neale

Sorry about being so pessimistic. I hate how in order to have such a great hobby so many fish have to die. Think about it, 6 freshwater morays are shipped in to any lfs every week. Saying 1 in 100 lives would be ridiculously optimistic. If we love our fish so much. Why must so many die?
There were about eight 2.5inch puffers in the tank and it must have been about 40L max with no plants.
The aggression must have been really bad because most of the puffers had badly nipped fins.
Also they we're being kept in freshwater, although there was a sign saying that they would have to be gradually have to go into brackist water

I fail to see what the concern is here, the tank is small as it is a temporary tank for them. This is also the reason for the lack of plants/decor, which would just make it more difficult to catch the fish thus making them more stressed.
Of course the fins are going to be a bit ragged at least, you can hardly expect p@h to give these fish 30 gallons each as a temporary home, fins heal quickly.

Let's look at the positives here, the shop has acknowledged the fact that these fish must eventually be in brackish water, does no one else find this encouraging? IIRC GSPs can be kept fine in fw when young, so why should p@h set up a whole new brackish filtration system (seeing as all multiple lfs tanks run off a single system) just to keep these fish in conditions that are not required?

So many people seem to hate this place LOL

As with any chain lfs.

people believe as its a chain, they care les thn single stores.

Apart from P@H is not a fish shop, it is a pet shop with an aquatic section. Take this into account.
i have no probeblem with P@H, its a business not a fish shelter. i myself would be careful when buying fish there though.
Sorry my point wasnt about Pets @ Home as I felt I have defended them enough in the other threads enough and my feelings on them are expressed.

The point I was making is that Brackish Forum dosent need to go down to the level of tropical discussion, with people like Nmonks, Andy and others posting in it, I thought it was above random slander against companies.

can you please elaborate on these:
do you mean discussions here have "levels"?
can you please elaborate on these:
do you mean discussions here have "levels"?

What he means is that Tropical Discussion (and New to the Hobby) has its fair share of (largely redundant and often overblown, IMO) threads about the latest bad thing somebody has seen at a pet store, but the specialist forums like, for example, this one or the African Cichlid forum, should be more focused and meaningful discussion.

The brackish forum has a few good professionals, as well, hence the "with people like" bit.
thanks for pointing that out to me corleone.
the "down to the level" that he used gives
me a bad impression of the poster.

he should have use Category instead of LEVEL-
cause LEVEL sounds discrimination to me.

anyway i'm still new to the Forum
and very impressive forum so far.
members really know what their talkin' about-
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