A house I lived in when I first moved in with my OH had open plan stairs into the living room. My Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Poppy would sit on the soft, looking up the stairs, then her head would move as though she was watching something/someone come down the stairs, she'd then leap off the sofa, run round the back of it and then follow something out into the hallway towards the front door. This would happen several times a week, usually in the late evening.
Also a few times in bed, I'd feel the bed move, as though someone had walked passed the end of the bed and bumped into it. It only ever happened when my OH was away, and I'm sure it didn't happen when he was there because he doesn't believe in spirts. His ex-wife and one of her children also had experiences in that house, one being sightings of a figure of a woman walking down the stairs.