Pets And Hauntings


Getting old, but nowhere near knackered, i just lo
Feb 8, 2007
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Bournemouth Uk
thought i would ask you about your experiences with pets and supposed hauntings, obviously a load of members will reply with a load of " we dont believe" but hey i do and this is my reason why.

ive been living in a new build for 3 years now and from the first few nights have always sensed like i was being watched and a couple of times felt something touch me, ive been into the spiritual side of things since a very young age and sometimes it has caused problems rather than insights if that has made any sense, its taken me years to understand the justifcation of these things LOL.

Once a week without fail i hear someone walking about upstairs and then down the stairs to the bedroom (my house is upside down, bedroom downstairs and living quarters upstairs) the noise then stops at the base of the stairs and a shadow comes from the bedroom door and across the bedroom and disappers into the wall opposite the bed, sometimes its joined with small faint lights around it (orbs) my mum wanted to know what my house looked like and she went onto google earth to see it and told me to have a look myself, when i did i noticed that the house is there but the grounds around it are different with an old shed and fencing, ive looked into on the net and have also found out that the new build is built exactly in the style of the old building that was here previously, the old one was a large house and my home is now one of 3 homes divided into this one building so looks like one big house, have i lost you yet? :lol: well i got use to many things happening until i got Diva (my dog), who is 7 months old now (yep time has passed fast) she is totally scared of the stairs at night and will cry until someone takes her down to bed, many times she stands there growling at the top of the stairs and watches frantically, at night when the lights are off i hear the floor boards going again and then the stairs and finally the shadow comes into the bedroom again and at this point shes up blot right watching exactly what im watching.
one night i had a carpet hanging over the bedroom door drying after Diva messed on it, its a heavy woollen rug esp when wet, that night this shadow came in and stopped at the door we both watched it as usual and she growled this time, then the rug no joke of a lie and as god is my witness lifted up off the door at about 5 inches as if someone was lifting it, none of this freaks me out as i always believe its the living i have to be scared of, not the dead.
ive had people spend the night before and have all heard the ame thing but never see the shadow but myself and Diva always do.

have any of your pets been freaked by something or is there a place in the house that they dont or wont go on their own to?

and a question for all UKers totally off the topic but saves a new thread, did your dog get its inner clock all confused when the clock went back the other week, Diva did and it took a week on maoning at me before she realized that moaning for an hour would make no difference :hyper:
My old (emphasis on old, it was 100+ years old) house had a spirit and it wasn't a very nice one. It was spiteful and mean and lived only in the upstairs. My cat wouldn't go up there, ever! We ended up selling the house after 2 years, too creepy.
kind of different. My granda knows some spiritualists. and for a while they told us (and not hm) that there was something they wanted to tell him. They waited til boxing day last year, but they can see/sense (whatever spiritualists do) his dog (a scottie). its still wth him :)
A week after the death of our 19 year old dog we bought a 4 weeks old chihuahua, two days later the new dog was lying down next to our other 12 year old miniture fox terrier, so we took a photo and in the photo right next to the two dogs is a golden orb as if laying next to the other two...I think it's neat
My old dog Gena use to regularly watch someone walk downstairs in my old house. She would get excited seeing them, sit down and wag her tail, it was always the same pattern, she would suddenly fixate on the top of the stairs, watch each step as if someone were coming down, then act like they walked past her, then go to the sofa and sit as if she had someone sitting in front of her on the sofa. She'd go up to a couch seat and act like someone was sitting there fussing her.

I always though it was cool. If the dog was ok with it, I was ok with it.

In this house, which was built in 1889, the first week we were here, I saw a woman in an old fashioned maids black and white uniform, come up the stairs and then she wasn't there any more. I told Dan, he was skeptical. We asked the last owner "Why didn't you tell us the house has ghosts?" and he said "Oh you've seen her have you? which one was it? the maid or the old lady?" OMG

Apparently, they saw the maid the first few weeks they were there too, 20odd years before, so I guess she just visits to see who is in her house now.

We traced the first occupiers from the 1800's using the census of 1891, they were John Eden and his wife Sophia. John was a shoe worker but it says Sophia's occupation was "married" lol - but she was 27, so I think it was her.

One night not long after we saw her, our lad Dylan, who was about 18m old at the time, was in his bed, and we were sitting here in the office next door, and he started talking to someone. He was chatting away in baby talk and whatever she was doing was really making him laugh. It was sort of charming but a bit creepy, we didn't know whether to go in and "rescue" him, or to leave them to play. We decided to leave them since he seemed to be having so much fun with her. According to that 1891 census, John and Sophia had kids, Bertha was 3 and Sydney was 1 year old. So playing with my toddler must have been nice for her :)
I get no feelings or anything at my flat here with my partner, but my mum came to visit us back in the summer and brought her dog who is about 2 now, and from the moment he got in the bottom door (we live on third floor) he was acting weird, and when he got up the top he just kept running back to our landing and pretty much begging to get out of the building, which is bizarre as he is not a dog that's ever bothered by being anywhere new.
After that my partner had a few experiences of loosing things....and them turning up, very obviously in the middle of our coffee table......for instance his lighter which he searched for everywhere even the table.
He came back after giivng up, and it was stood upright dead centre of the table.
I myself have not had this happen, I only loose doesn't find anything for me.....grrr :p lol
our old dog pepsi used to stare at certain palces in the living room and hallway, both places where my great grandad used to visit (he passed away years ago but often re-appears when things get tough). when i moved into my new house both ben my parents new dog and a puppy i had used to go mad when in the bathroom, the house was a new build and we were the first people living there. i never felt anything strange unlike my parents house but the dogs never seemed settled there

about a month ago though i was told by a collague who i didnt know at the time, that there were spirits with me who knew my name and wanted to say something but i never got to find out what or who they were. i'm a nurse and had had a bad time with extremely ill patients who unfortunatly didnt make it, he still believes it was one patient who i was particularly close to coming to say hello
There's a great haunting thread here somewhere, has the most remarkable stories on it. Have a search and find that.
If any of you have exposed electrical wiring or outlets in your buildings, that could accout for the feeling of being watched and also your pets' strange behaviors. I'll explain: Exposed electrical wiring/outlets emit a high level EMF (electro-magnetic field) which most animals (including humans) are sensitive to. They make pets like dogs, cats, or even fish go mad because their senses are so much more, well, sensitive than ours. We, however, only feel a fraction of what they do. The symptoms of exposure to high EMF are:
unexplained eye irritation
a feeling of being watched
body hair standing on end
sudden cold feelings
Also, malfunctioning electronic equipment can be attributed to a high EMF nearby.(cassette tapes tend to go bad and TVs get fuzzy)

Not only that, but spirits or other entities feed off of this now readily available source of pretty much free energy. Sometimes it's enough for them to manifest into a humanoid shadow-like form or even full-body apparitions, in other words, a ghost, or spectre of some sort, even a demonic entity manifests this way. Poltergeist activity can be attributed to high EMF combined with one or more of the family being stressed enough for their negative energy to manifest into a violent, teacup throwing, window smashing, brick hurling poltergeist. Hope that I helped. :good:

Now that that's over with, I've had some paranormal experiences too. We have a spirit in the house, who've we've named Louis. He likes to stay in my sister's old room and muck about with the electronics in there. He's turned on the TV, played with the disk tray on her stereo, messes with the clocks, and we've found thing rearranged. My sister has four remote controls; one for the TV, the VCR, DVD player, and stereo system. She has them arranged in a certain order on the night stand all the time, from left to right is goes TV, DVD, Stereo, VCR. We've found them in various other orders... and places. They've been thrown in the middle of the night, hidden under the pillow, shoved into drawers ect. I've also been inside the room with snakes, lizards, a cat, and a dog and they hate it in there. Every animal I've ever taken in there has tried to get away or lie down. I've had my Lab, Major in there and he growls at the bed, turns tail and runs yelping outside. The cat lies down on the bed, purrs for a second, then hisses and swats at someone that isn't there. The snake, which was usually fine with a little handling (before it died last year) would hide her head under her coils and my hand, which was a little strange considering she was a cornsnake. The lizard was a friend's beardie he brought over for me to agama-sit while he was on vacation in Florida. I was holding it and I had to get something out of the room. It started to huff and puff and hiss at me and then it tore my hand and arm to ribbons with its claws and ran into my room and hid under the bed! If that isn't weird for a bearded dragon that allows everyone to handle it, I don't know what is!
Rather than close this topic entirely, I have exercised my right to remove the posts that didn't directly pertain to the topic. I'd like to keep this topic open, as the subject is an interesting one, but I'll ask again to limit it to the topic on the thread rather than a full-out debate on the existance of paranormal activity. If you have anything to say with regard to that subject, which is technically under the spectre of general chat, continue the discussion bia PM, please. If this becomes a problem again, I will close the thread.

I appreciate your cooperation.

Warmest regards,

i think its really cool to hear some other things, its hard sometimes adding a thread like this b/c of fear of people thinking you strange, but YES im strange :lol: always have been.
Its got me thinking to when i was finding it hard to toilet train her and maybe this was the reason why, she was too scared to make it down the stairs to wait at the door, even now she sits on the top step and waits but lets you go down first and as the stairs spiral halfway down she will wait and again have a good luck and then venture down.

2 nights ago we were both asleep, YES my baby girl sleeps on the bed :lol: anyway it was 3.20 am and i woke up with a start and she did too, it was freezing which was very unusual, both of us watched the bedroom door again and i caught something moving to the left of me, she jumped so fast off the bed and i followed suit... a hell of a lot quicker than her im ashamed to admit, we both legged it upstairs, she hid beside me watching the stairs, i lit a cigarette and stayed there for about 30mins, since then the dog that used to lie with her head on the pillow like a proper little human being will only sleep under the covers now and will not budge until i do in the morning, she totally covered, head and all, which isnt like her at all.

Im gunna have to look so much deeper into this b/c i would love to see what comes from the delving, like i said i know the layout of the previous house but nothing to much about the people who ued to live here, but i have heard stories that it was an old mans place who used to have the far end of it as a workshop and he lived, worked and died here but from all accounts he was a nice old boy.

did anyone find that previous thread at all that was mentioned above?
If YOU have anymore updates, PM them to me and I'll send them to TAPS. They might just consider investigating your houses. For you and your pets' sakes, please pm them to me.
These are great reads. Modaz, your experiences are quite comical :) Maybe you should make a video.

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