Peter's Petite Pair Of Picos

Does it move? Looks like a pest anemone of some sort, but its foot is on the glass, so the viewing angle is odd. I'm guessing Boloceroides mcmurrichi, but I'm not sure.
Yep it moves, kind of pulses.

It ended up over near the water overflow, so here's another pic (not great either ... I'll dig out my real camera with macro setting):
Yes, it definitely looks like an anemone of some type now. I can see the profile more clearly.

Can't tell if it's the first genus I mentioned or aiptasia. Let me look at another journal here.
I isolated it in a mug for now, and to get a better shot. Apologies for the green:


Almost clam like structure? Just noticed that it swims like that, opening and closing its 'shell'.
That's a different angle. Not an anemone. Whoa. that was a different shot.

You didn't tell me it had a shell. Definitely not an anemone. Sorry, just looked like one from the previous angles of photos.
Tell me about it! First shots it looks like a bug, but now it looks like a mollusc of some kind I think, baby clam?

I didn't realise it had a shell either until it was in the mug ...
Yep, pulses around the mug opening and closing its shell.
Yep, pulses around the mug opening and closing its shell.

hahaha, will try to get this right for you, sorry. That pulsing while opening and closing its shell is a scallop method of locomotion. My guess, and I've been batting a 1000 so far for you, but it's a scallop of some type. I tried to look it up online and in my invertebrate book, but I couldn't see it.

So sorry about the mis id in the beginning, looked like an anemone from one angle. Now, I see it what it really looks like.
Haha no worries, thanks so much for your help. I figured I would put it back in for now, we don't have any corals for it to bother even if it is 'bad'. Whether it's good for the tank longer term is something we can worry about later.

Though I wonder if it needs food? =0)
Possibly a hungry flame scallop? Ive read they go white in color when they arent doing so well?
Possibly a hungry flame scallop? Ive read they go white in color when they arent doing so well?

It does look like one, doesn't it. Hahaha, the camera angles at first were very funny. Lima scabra can have whiter tenticles too. Scallops should be target fed with phytoplankton.
To feed you could put it back in the jar and surround it with phytoplankton as well. Then put it back in the tank without the jar water.
If it is indeed a flame scallop, that is a pretty cool freebie... Good luck with it castiel, hope it lives.
Pretty cool indeed.

Need to find somewhere here that sells such food ...

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