Petcetera canopies?


New Member
Feb 7, 2004
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Toronto, ON
I'm not trying to start a rumour here, but I heard something from an employee at a small shop today and was wondering if it might be true ...

The local Petcetera here have been selling starter kits with canopies for really cheap. The guy at the small shop today said the canopies that come in those petcetera kits are not CSA approved in Canada, and are therefore illegal to operate in Canada. If a house fire happens because of them, your house insurance is void, etc.

Has anyone heard anything about this? Is it true? I'm a little concerned because that was where I got my starter kit because it was cheap. I've since replaced / upgraded everything except the tank itself and the canopy (incandescent lights) ... so ... this concerns me ...
hey yah i got my 10 gallon from there too,... and is the problem with the canopy that there is nothing stopping the water from splashing up to the two light bulbs? thus mixing electricity and water? I was a little concerned myself, so i got my dad to cut a piece of flexiglass to put over the water so it wouldnt splash up. I am not sure if this is what you are talking about, and that little warning sticker on the back of the hood says that there should be a cover blocking the water and the lights...but yah no cover in the box right?
Yeah, that's the canopy. I don't know if this directly involves that aspect or not, but it would make sense.
darbee said:
I was a little concerned myself, so i got my dad to cut a piece of flexiglass to put over the water so it wouldnt splash up.
That's a good idea. I just bought a Petcetera 10 gallon, and have noticed that some of the water was dripping off the light bulbs, I guess from when it condescated (sp?).
anyone know if this is the same kit walmart sells?
i bought a ten from them at christmas and the bulbs are exposed, but there is a rubber ring around the base of the bulbs.
its diff than wal mart.... cuz the petcetera one contains mostly petcetera made crap.... i did notice that... i have 2 of their 10 gallon kits... and i have noticed things on the light... if your house warranty is void or whatever...


lol... i hope it doesnt happen but who knows.... i just dont fill the tank too full
Personally, I wouldn't use a hood where the light bulb was exposed to water.

Even if the obvious possible shock damage is unlikely, think of what a mess it would be if the bulb shattered, and you had to get the shards out of the tank -- especially if it's a fluorescent bulb, those things are a huge mess when they shatter.
Bol said:
Personally, I wouldn't use a hood where the light bulb was exposed to water.

Even if the obvious possible shock damage is unlikely, think of what a mess it would be if the bulb shattered, and you had to get the shards out of the tank -- especially if it's a fluorescent bulb, those things are a huge mess when they shatter.
I never thought of that :crazy: Well, I'm going to get my neighbour (who is a glass maker) to cut me a piece of glass to go between the light and the water. Hopefully it won't cost too much.
hey yah should read the warning label on the back of the hood haha funny actually, says do not use near open water or something to that extent... and then the kit does not come with anything to protect it, interesting hey?
very interesting... someone could make a lot of money letting their house burn down because of it lolll

of course that would be stupid plz dont go burn ur hosue down and blame it on a petcetera hood plz plz plz dont lol

im applying at petcetera next weekend as i need a job and it looks like fun... i also think i could help in keeping fish alive/free of disease by actually tryin to keep the fish alive... the ppl that work there now couldnt care less about the fish .... meh... ill try not to mention anything if i get a job there lol.. fired after a week for driving out all customers cause of unsafe products... :D yea im smart :alien:
hhaha no need to drive customers away 'in the store' can just give us insights on the forum here hahahaha lol j/k =) good luck with the job maybe the fishies will become happier if ya take care of em =)

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