Pet Tortoise What Would I Need And What Kind

The website is wrong, they do hibernate.
I have Hermans, and they need an awful lot of care, including vaired diet, specialised hibernation techniques (i.e you have to starve them so food doesn't rot in them over winter) and warm baths. They dont so much drink water, they should get most of it from cucumber/leaves, but need access to a small amount at all times. And IMO, they shouldn't be kept 'in a box', they need the run of a secure garden, and mine have a heated summerhouse for cold days.
If you go on a site such as preloved and look up tortoises, you are almost sure to find a foreign tort breeder in the uk. I have a young hermann but i dont think they're foreign species. most torts will need a heat lamp and a surface they can dig into but that hopefully will not be swallowed in with food. report back on what breed you intend on buying and maybe someone one the site may have that specific breed an could tell you more. I'm afraid I've never heard of a tortoise breed that doesn't hibernate. but i do know that they don't hibernate when they are very young. hope some of this might have helped :)

ahh yes and I think youngsters live in a heated open top box or something (some say enclosed boxes are unhealthy) and elder torts can, as Beccimac says, live outdoors in warmer seasons.
i decided against
I know you have decided againsed it but still. Never buy a tort unless you see it first. And the species that dont hibernate get huge and would need a big garden to live in not a vivarium. Also you would need to bring them inside in the winter if they dont have heated outdoor enclosure (which is expensive) and they stink.

If you want a tortoise, get something like a herman or a russian tort. They dont get as big, are easy to hibernate and care is eaiser IMO. Also never get a pet before you have researched the best and most benifical way of keeping it.
thanks i still want one but ill wait till older

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