Pet Tortoise What Would I Need And What Kind


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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im very interested in keeping a pet tortoise so fiirst of all my plan is to build a wooden box with a glass front and a plastic bottom or glass bottom on top of the wood the biggest i could go would be 4-5 foot by 2 foot by 1.5-2 ft so what equipment would i need and things eg sand and what tortoise can i have in that size tank i dont want it to hibernate and i want it to be vegitarean. thanks for any help
Terrapins? Although im not sure they are vegitarean.

Also remember that tortoise require water - so make sure your wood won't rot away if it gets abit of water on it.
hi im not sure as im a noob to the tortoise world but i think tortoises are different to terripins and ive read that tortoises only need like a bowl of water/ some one fill me in on this sorry
some do some dont
any one know
my nan keeps 2 tortioses in her garden. i dont know what type they are but i might be able to find out. they hibernate in the same spot every year and dont really need water. they eat the dandilions from the lawn etc. we also put out lettuce leaves and other veggies for them to much.

the shells neeod oiling once a year. i use sunflower oil, (cooking oil) it just help to maintain the shell and keeps it clean.
Torts are ment to hibernate.

All torts are vegetarians, and they do need access to water. They also need bathing regulally.

This is a tortoise table, and is the appropriate housing for a tortoise, not a vivarium. You will need all the relevant heating and lighting also. Depending on the age of your tortoise they cant be outside in extreme temps therefore need adaquate indoor housing.

I think youre better off doing some research because you dont seem to know alot about something that needs quite alot of care!
not all torts are meant to hibernate as im interested in the foriegn ones that dont by viv i mean like a table eg wooden box
If you are interested in a foriegn one, how are you expecting to get it here?

Will cost you a bomb. Plus you will need inport papers.
i found a site that sells them in the uk that are captive bred and (delivers for 15 quid) and the tortoises are like 100-120 pounds
im sure tortoises have to hibernate.

Alll torts have to hibernate.

I have 3 mediteranian torts, 2 male 1 female, all are over 20 years old, and live in my garden all year round.

When the winter approaches, and they start to dig them selves down in to the mud, i get large cardboard boxes put a layer of newspaper at the bottom, wash the torts put them in the boxes then cover them with scrunched up newspaper. I then put the box in my shed where it wont be disturbed over the winter period. They usually come out early april when the weather is heating up.

I feed them on dandilions, lettuce, tomatoes, and different types of fruit. And also i have a small water hole they use.

Generally they are quite easy to look after, providing you feed them the right foods and keep their skin and shell clean.
ALL tortoises hibernate. You can force them not to hibernate, but it is unnatural and unhealthy. I dont understand why you want to spend so much money on a pet and then egnore all information. You clearly havnt done any research whatsoever.
im going by the website and ive decided against it anyway

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