pet store wanted me to find out something

cichlidmaster said:
Glad the fish are doing better!!

Have her treat with a good vitamin such as Dick Boyds VitaChem. This will help the fins to grow back.

By the way are the fins gone completely (all the way to the body of the fish) or is there some of them left??

If the fins are not completely destroyed they should grow back.

Excellent water quality is also required for the fins to heal.

Thanks for keeping us posted and letting us know what the problem was.

they was a little left on the fins they wasnt completely gone on a lot of them some of them died i think 2 thier fins were all gone but the rest of them are going to be fine it is just going to take a while for them to be back to normal.and once again thank you all of you. i will keep you posted as it comes along
just thought I would let you guys know about the pets stores sharks all of the balas passed away but the irredecent sharks and the rainbows and the black made it and she wanted my to thank you all for all of your help I gave her the address and told her you guys knew what you were doing when it comes to fish she said she would check out this fish forum. And once again thanks.

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