Pet store customers (animals in general)

I finally convinced my daughter that p-land is no good. We went there recently and she was looking at a ferret and a store owner tried to give her tips on keeping “rodents “, um yeah so not a rodent
I like ferrets, very intelligent and friendly. I had a friend that had two and I could hold one for hours, of course they were always getting into things but they would snuggle with us while we watched TV.
I had ferrets years ago and my gran was over visiting. I took the ferrets outside and let them run around like I did every day. Gran saw them and her feet came straight off the ground and onto a chair :)

We all laughed because she had heaps of animals including a flock of geese that used to bail us up when we went to visit. So we didn't expect her to be afraid of little ferrets. :)
I like ferrets, very intelligent and friendly. I had a friend that had two and I could hold one for hours, of course they were always getting into things but they would snuggle with us while we watched TV.
Ferrets are great but you have to be careful, if you get a cut and they taste the blood they can become very blood hungry almost instantly and become un tame
My sister had a ferret that was mean. She would crawl up the back of your chair and bite your neck. Then she almost died because she wasn’t spayed like the pet shop said she was. My sister spent over $1,000 getting the devil ferret well.
Juicebox 52, why did you down play guppies?
IMHO you could throw guppies into your bath water and they would live?:eek:;)
it is what we use here for skitto control. Some of the water is really bad.. but the guppie keep on truckin.
Juicebox 52, why did you down play guppies?
IMHO you could throw guppies into your bath water and they would live?:eek:;)
it is what we use here for skitto control. Some of the water is really bad.. but the guppie keep on truckin.
I thinkl guppies are great, but our water is not suitable for them to live a healthy life :)
I haven’t had a lot of luck with fancy guppies.
If you have trouble with guppies, put them in a tank with hard water (GH 200ppm +) and add 4 heaped tablespoons of salt per 20 litres of water. Keep salt in the water for 4 weeks. Deworm the fish as well. After that they should be fine.
If you have trouble with guppies, put them in a tank with hard water (GH 200ppm +) and add 4 heaped tablespoons of salt per 20 litres of water. Keep salt in the water for 4 weeks. Deworm the fish as well. After that they should be fine.
@Colin_T Thanks! I’m Down to one right now but will give it a try when I buy more. Can you explain how this helps?
Common livebearers (guppies, platies, swordtails and mollies) are riddled with external protozoans, gill flukes and intestinal worms.

The salt kills most of the external protozoans and gill flukes on the fish, as well as a few bacterial infections that commonly infect guppies.
The deworming medications clean the worms out of the fish.

Having hard water helps reduce the growth of bacteria and gives the fish water that is similar to their natural habitat, and that helps reduce stress.

After a month in brackish water you can reduce and remove the salt but keep the GH around 200ppm and they should do a lot better.
Once I was in the fish section. There was a guy looking at baby common plecos and the employee told him they would stay pretty small... I didn’t say anything but I wish I had
Once I was in the fish section. There was a guy looking at baby common plecos and the employee told him they would stay pretty small... I didn’t say anything but I wish I had
Yeesh, that’s one of the biggest mistakes of a newbie fish keeper: Getting a pleco and thinking it will “stay small”. I mean, obviously, a BNP only gets to about 4 inches long, but common Plecos can get over a foot long! :no:

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