Pet Hates


Ohai dere c:
Apr 4, 2011
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I thought this would be rather interesting, just list your pet hates! no matter how silly :p

mine are chavvy people and poorly kept shop tanks

Chavs - I have nothing against that type of people in person, some are quite nice, but there are some that give them a bad image, these are the sorts of peole you see wearing baseball caps and smashing out the windows of your local bus stop at 1 in the morning... thats what ruins the entire image for me, and (most) are so immature! they may as well be 5 instead of about 15...

and poorly kept shop tanks? come on... everyone hates that... maybe even the staff... however, my local pets@home has taken onboard my advice which i'm happy about :') and the tanks are clean and without dead fish, the fish are properly fed, not skinny, rather full bodied now :)

but yeah, list your pet hates below :D


i hate people who breed their cat or dog as a extra income, GET IT NEUTERED AND GET A PROPER JOB, no animal needs to have that just one litter

i also hate people who dont park straight within thier white lines in the super market, makes it dificult for everyone else along the line
i hate people who breed their cat or dog as a extra income, GET IT NEUTERED AND GET A PROPER JOB, no animal needs to have that just one litter

i also hate people who dont park straight within thier white lines in the super market, makes it dificult for everyone else along the line

eesh, i share both :L

i left a notice on someones windscreen once saying


and another

Pet hates?

Children. Or rather... Parents!!

God... why the heck cant people control their godawful sprogs. They might honestly worship their children and think they are fantastic. Well I dont. I dont like your children!

I dont like having to wipe your childs snot off the fish tanks. I am SICK of having to pulls stones out of the fish ponds and dead fish that the stones were chucked at. I am SICK of having to top up water feature because your child is so special they need to stick their face in it and get water everywhere like they have never seen water before. Your child stinks and is maknig my workspace stink, do your job as a parent and change it. I am SICK of listening to your child screaming whether in joy or a tantrum, shut them up, teach them manners or just take them out the shop to calm down because no one wants to hear it. DONT let your sprogs run around like idiots in the shop, its dangerous and its poor manners, control your children for goodness sake. If they fall and hurt themselves then its your fault. If you cant stop them running around, put them on a #138## harness. And I swear if one more kid spits at me.... im going to drown it in the pond!

When I was little I had a harness. When I was older, i held my parents hand or a lead attatched to their belt and I never dared mess around, on the occasion i did when bored with my brothers, i wouldget a smack on my leg and a serious enough telling off. If *really* bad it wouldnt have been the first time id had my trousers pulled down and a smackon the thigh (i was about 4-6! not older!) and i would NEVER have dreamedof spitting or wiping snot all over the place or vandalising shops or being rude to the staff.

:sly: rant over!
MBOU, as much as I share your sentiments, do you have a toddler of your own? Trust me, it isn't always easy. Today I wanted to scream myself when he threw a tantrum in the supermarket.

My pet peeve is bad spelling and grammar. I know I'm not perfect, but English is my fourth language and I try. I know the difference between their and there or its and it's - it's not rocket science, fgs.

Edited for spelling mistake :rofl:
I share your sentiments too Mbou. I am and old school southern women with old school parenting ideals. My children do not misbehave in public. My children say yes ma'am, no ma'am, please, thank you, and sit quietly when you tell them to. They respect other adults, and other children. Mind you, they have their moments, as do most children, but what comes with being a southern mom is fondness of the spanking. I was spanked as a child, I did just fine. So you better believe, I am not above a disciplinary spanking when its call for.

My peeve: People who think they know everything and clearly don't. You're sitting there with the right information in front you and trying to explain something by the written procedure and they tell you that you are wrong and that you don't know what you are talking about. I work with a person like that. Been a lab tech since the Titanic sank, and thinks that because she has been in the field for 100 years that she knows it all. Snubs her nose at me and talks to me like I am retarded. Then when I call her out on her mistake (which some have been close to life threatening) she wants to dispute it and tell me I don't know what I am talking about! Not to mention that her mistakes waste my time too! You can't run samples on an instrument that hasn't been properly controlled! When you do that I have to pull 20% of your work and verify accuracy! And when you run 150 samples that mean I get to waste 2 hours of my time fixing your screw up!!! But I'm the dumb one.
Before I start MBOU I love your signature... :blush:

Anyway Pet Hates: people who think they're right all the time and fail to understand that they're wrong. They take no account of your arguement or what you have to say, they just automatically think that they are right.

For example at work, man comes in with an algae problem in his tank, he feeding his two goldfish a massive hanful of flake FOUR times a day and doesn't know why he has algae in his tank and his filters constantly clogged. I tell him, your overfeeding your fish, and he argues for about 15 minutes that he is feeding them correctly and then walks out saying that he's right.

I give up.
Oh dear, I have a few 'minor dislikes'.

I can't stand blue writing pens. They MUST be black or not at all.
I can't stand cricket, what on earth is that all about (sorry cricket fans)
I can't stand tiny 1ltr cars, being made to sound like a red arrow fighter jets.
I can't stand bad mannors. No need for it. I might not be 'prince charming', but I know how to speak to people politely, clearly.

And I have only 1 "hate".

But I care not to mention it.

Other than that.... life's pretty peachy creamy :lol:
Chavs - I have nothing against that type of people in person, some are quite nice, but there are some that give them a bad image, these are the sorts of peole you see wearing baseball caps and smashing out the windows of your local bus stop at 1 in the morning... thats what ruins the entire image for me, and (most) are so immature! they may as well be 5 instead of about 15...

please define 'Chav', you seem to be under the impression that this is as precise as calling someone caucasian.
I don't know... Chav to me is pretty precise :shifty:

This about sums it up :p

Salam - I don't have kids. I definately would have done! Should have done but I can't have kids any more. Shame really because they'd have definately behaved themselves lol.

I appreciate kids have to let off steam and play up sometimes. Its not necessarily the kids playing up that bothers me.. its the parents utter lack of interest or control! Its not like they even pay attention to their kids... or they role their eyes at me like its absolutely impossible to keep a six year old child under control for 5 minutes! And like i'm going to be sharing their humour when their child is screaming and running about and tearing stock off shelves and kicknig the stool i'm balancing on trying to catch their fish!

But there really is a time and a place for letting your kids run riot... if they have just got out of school and have energy to burn, take them to a park for half an hour and play fetch with them or something :lol: before draging them round shops they really don't want to be in.

The post was about pet peeves, for every 30 horrible children, you get the occasional child who is just so gorgeous i could just about steal em! :shifty: (thats innapropriate i know, id never do it ;) ) but some kids are just too cute! When they want to hold my hand to lead me to the fish they want and are babbling away about the fish and the tank and what they want to call it etc.

Dieses Madchen - I'm certainly not that old school at 24 but perhaps more old fashioned ideas. I can see whats worked in the past has worked far better than some new ideas in controling your kids. Happy to stick with what works. I think a lot of people are starting to think the same really. I know the whole country... world? was gripped with a series of wishy washy punishments and 'telling offs' and 'time outs' that are god in some situations... not enough in most cases. But its not all punishments, its raising them in general to havemore respect for themselves and others!
Yes, fully agree with you. My son is usually well behaved, but trust me, when a 3 year old throws a tantrum there is nothing you can do. When he was screaming in the supermarket I ignore him on purpose. Because as soon as I try talking to him, he screams even more. I know him and I know he calms down pretty fast when I just pretend he wasn't there. I understand that non-parents think I'm totally bonkers, but it saves my sanity and it's all over within minutes.

I know where you are coming from though. I hate it for example when older children can't behave. They shouldn't have tantrums anymore and they should know their rules.

DM, I want to call you Ma'am now :D
When people constantly call themselves fat and ugly because they are fishing for compliments even though they know they look nice

When people over exaggerate

Screaming babies on a plane

Sarcastic people

Pics on facebook saying "like and share or your grandma will die, do you want your grandma to die?" Of course I don't want my grandma to die!?!

When people don't flush the toilet - WHY!? HAVE SOME MANNERS YOU DISGUSTING CREATURE.

When people wee on the toilet seat

When people go to the toilet and don't wash their hands, this is how nasties spread. WASH THEM.

When people eat with their mouth open and make awful snorting noises whilst chewing

When people get off the school bus and don't say "thank you" or even acknowledge the fact that the driver is there

When people use poor grammar because they are plain lazy

When people use the wrong 'their' 'there' and 'they're' - same with 'your' and 'you're'

When the teacher cleans the whiteboard but misses a small mark

That one annoying person who always farts in class and thinks it is funny when actually, it's disgusting

People stopping you in the streets to give you leaflets and ask you about rubbish you're not interested in at all

People who think they are so much better than everyone else

When people wear sunglasses inside - take them off, you're not cool

People wearing sandals with socks

Bad breath

The list goes on...
its raising them in general to have more respect for themselves and others!
I can't agree with you more there. I have tried to raise my kids to be respectful. They do really well, but need occasional reminders. Its been a while since I have had to go old school on my kids rear end lol. Needless to say I am very proud of them. I get a lot of compliments on their behavior and etiquette.

But lets take a look at some things I have seen. I saw a kid calling his mom a "lady of the evening" although the 'W' word was what came out, and this kid was probably about 7, maybe? And she wanted to talk to him about why he is angry, talk about his emotions. Kids screaming obscenities in her face and she wants to know how he's feeling. I'm thinking lady, take him to the restroom and wear that booty out! I called my mom a "b" once and was slapped before i finished saying the word!
Jeez, Lucy! That's a list and a half. Fully agree with every word you say!

No respect, that's a proper pet peeve of mine, DM. How awful to call your mother that! I hate when I don't get respect from my pupils, it's really sad when they are not taught manners at home.

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